Chapter 12: Suga

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It's a new day, but Jungkook is still the same. He's still sad and completely still. He can't eat well and can't sleep well. He was just laying on his bed and making himself trying not to cry but he can't. He's still looking on Jin's picture, remembering the happy memories of them. 

Then someone knock on his door. It was V.

V: *Knocks* Jungkook! Are you there?

Jungkook: Yes, why?

V: Can I go in?

Jungkook: No, I want to be alone..

V: Oh Come on! I'm starting to get worried on you.. please?

Jungkook: I'm not in the mood to talk. 

V: Okay.. 

Just when V about to walk away, Jungkook opened the door and called V.

Jungkook: Hey..

V: *rushes to Jungkook and hugged him* Are you ok?

Jungkook: No, I'm not..

V: I want you to know that you can tell me everything, you can cry on my shoulder. I'm just here you know.

Jungkook: I'm sorry.. I'm just.. I don't know what to do..

V: Please forget about him.. I can help you forget him.. just give me a chance..

Jungkook: It's not that easy you know..

V: I'm willing to wait.. I'm serious about it..

Jungkook: I don't know..

V: Okay, I understand. But I have a favor..

Jungkook: What is it?

V: Please eat and get enough sleep, I don't want to see you like this.

Jungkook: Okay, I'll try..

V: Good.. Now I want you to return to your room and get anough sleep ok? get over with it by sleeping.. I will tell the professor that you're sick and you can't make it on school today..

Jungkook: I will, thanks V.

V: No worries.. I care about you..

Jungkook: I know..

Jungkook went inside his room and tried to sleep as V says. But he's still in pain. He can't help but cry until he fell asleep.


[Jin's Side]

Jin transfered on his new school now. Gyeongji University somewhere in North Gyeongsang Province in South Korea. Jin doesn't know that Gyeongji University is somehow near Gyeongji High School where Jungkook first studied. Jin went to his class and get along with other students easily because he is friendly. But, you can still see the sadness on his eyes because he still missed Jungkook. He still loves him. During break, he went on the Canteen to buy some food. The Canteen was filled with students (Boys and Girls), unlike his previous school where only boys are around him. While eating, he noticed some girls looking at him and it's like they have a crush on Jin. Well, Jin is a handsome guy so most girls will have a crush on him. But his heart is still with Jungkook. When he's about to finish his food. He heard some girls behind him chitchatting with others about something..

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