Chapter 17: Curse

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Its been hours since Jungkook rushed into the hospital. He's still unconscious. The doctors are doing the best they can. After a an hour. Jungkook is now stable but he's not waking up yet. The doctors said that Jungkook needs to stay in the hospital for 2 more days. The professor contacted Jungkook's mom about what happened. Mrs. Jeon make his way to the hospital to check on her only son.


[V's Side]

V is talking to his younger sister over the phone.

/Phone Conversation:

V: Hey sis..

Hannah: Hey Brother.. How are things going there?

V: Everything is working according to my plan.

Hannah: You mean you managed to do the second heartbreak?

V: Yes of course.. 

Hannah: You're amazing brother.. serves him right..

V: But I don't know how will i able to do the third heartbreak? You know, he can't trust me anymore and stuff..

Hannah: Yes you can brother.. I know you can.. Teach him a lesson. I want him to die in pain. In so much heartbreak. Make him suffer.

V: Okay, I'll try..

Hannah: See you soon brother.. 

V: See you..

When V hung up the phone, Jimin confronted him.

Jimin: Hey sweetie.. have you heard about what happened to Jungkook?

V: Yeah..

Jimin: Isn't that a bit too much? What you did to him..

V: Woah.. too much? That's nothing compared on what he did to my sister. My sister almost killed herself when Jungkook left her. He deserves it.. and watch out.. Because on his third heartbreak, He'll surely die.

Jimin: What do you mean? I can't understand..

V: Because he is cursed.. 

Jimin: Cursed? Are you serious?

V: Why? You dont believe in curse? spells? witches?

Jimin: Of course I don't. Who the hell will believe that kind of stuff.

V: Well you have to.. Do you know what happened to Jungkook? He got a mild heart attack because the second heartbreak has been triggered. And on the third heartbreak he'll surely die..

Jimin: Wait.. so you're serious?

V: Why would I lie to you?

Jimin: Okay okay, So assuming that I believe that stuff. We are talking a life here sweetie. I mean, I know I'm bad sometimes but It will not cross my mind to kill people.

V: I will not kill him. The curse will.. I just need to let him experience another heartbreak.

Jimin: Why do you have to do that? You don't have to kill him. What he's experiencing now is enough.

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