Chapter 8: The First Heartbreak

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As Jungkook opened the door, he was surprised on what he saw. Jin is laying on the floor, naked and with Jimin putting his mouth into Jin's member. Jin is actually unconscious but Jungkook didn't noticed because he thought that Jin is actually feeling what Jimin is doing on his member. When Jungkook entered the bath house Jin is nearly conscious. Jungkook is looking at Jin with tears falling from his eyes. Jin is also shocked on what happened when he wakes up.

Jin: Hey, Let me explain.. (looks at Jimin with anger)

Jungkook: No more explaining.. I knew what I saw.. (runs away)

Jin: Jungkook! Wait!

Jimin: (laughs) Go ahead and follow your baby boy.

Jin: What did you do to me?

Jimin: You don't like it? 

Jin: (punches Jimin in face) curse you! I'm not done with you yet! 

Jimin: (evil smile) Ouch.. hehe that was fun..

Jin quickly put on his clothes and quickly followed Jungkook but he can't see Jungkook around. So he tried looking all over the place. Jin is so worried and he's shouting Jungkook's name all over the place but there is no respond coming from anywhere.

Jungkook went to the forest and cried endlessly behind the Big Tree. He can't believe on what he saw. But what he didn't know is, the curse has begun by that first hearbreak. Jungkook suddenly felt a little chest pain. It's a sign that the curse has begun. The chest pain last for 5 minutes but that doesn't bother him because his broken heart is far more worst than any pain in this world.

Then suddenly, V came out from nowhere.

V: Hey!

Jungkook: (still crying)

V: Here! (gives Jungkook a can of alcoholic drink)

Jungkook: I don't like.. I'm  not drinking that kind of stuff

V: C'mon it will make you feel good..

Jungkook: No thanks.

V: Okay then, I'll just throw it.

When V is about to throw the can of alcoholic drink, Jungkook hold V's arm and grabbed the drink. 

V: I thought you don't like this kind of stuff..

Jungkook: I guess I do now..

V: (smiles)

Jungkook started to drink. After a minute, he's kinda tipsy after finishing the can of drink. And started to tell V what happened on the bath house.

Jungkook: I can't believe Jin will do that to me.. 

V: I can't believe it too, Jin is such a good guy.

Jungkook: I know.. I should've gave him what he wants.. 

V: What? Sex?

Jungkook: Yes, He wants to do it at times when we're together but i always refuse because I'm not ready yet. But he says, he can wait. But I can't believe he will do that. And with Jimin. I thought he hates him.

V: Well, I guess you can't just trust anyone. Even me.. Don't trust me..

Jungkook: I guess so..

After a minute, Jungkook became unconscious because he's drank. V carry him on his back until they got home. Jin is waiting on the front door.

Jin: What are you doing? What happened to him.

V: Huh? You should've asked that on yourself. What are you doing? Did you know that you made him cry. He's drunk because of you.

Jin: Let me carry him.

V: No, stay away from him. He's mad at you.

Jin: But, I didn't know what happened. I was unconcsious.

V: You didn't know? Hah! That's not an excuse. Your'e havng a sex with Jimin and you're unconscious? C'mon, what are you? Sex Slave?

Jin; I said I'll carry him.

V: I said no! He will be mad at me if I let you carry him. Now move!

Jin can't do anything because he knows that Jungkook is still mad at him. So he let V take Jungkook into the room.



Jin went to the bathhouse to take a shower. He went to the bath tub and lay down as the water filled the bath tub. Then after a few minutes, someone knocked on the door. He get up on the bath tub to check who's knocking. When he opened the door, no one was there. But he saw a can of softdrinks. The can is labeled with, "For You Baby! -Jungkook". He then smiled and quickly drink the can of softdrinks. After a few minutes he became unconscious. He didn't know that the can of softdrinks has a Sleeping Pills, so Jin put into sleep. Jimin entered the bath house, removed his clothes and removing Jin's clothes. He got on top of Jin while kissing him. Jin is still unconscious while Jimin is kissing Jin's lips, neck and body.  Then suddenly Jungkook came and he saw this shocking scene.



Jin is waiting outside the door crying because he didn't mean to hurt Jungkook. He was crying until he slept in front of the door while V is looking after Jungkook who's sleeping. V went outside for a while and he saw Jin sleeping outside. V take Jin, inside the room beside Jungkook. And V slept on the floor,


CHAPTER 9: Argument

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