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On Wednesday, November 18, around 7:20 am, I officially got a boyfriend.

(Thomalyn is now canon!)

Now, after telling a few people, word spread like WILDFIRE. Nearly everyone (including the librarian!) had been shipping us for over a year. For the rest of the week, I was surrounded by various fangirls begging for details.

Yesterday, we had an assembly, and our schedule was kinda messed up, and some people had to go to different class periods.

Thomas just so happened to come in during my LA class. This conversation followed:

Thomas: *sits by me*

Ms. Cleveland(LA teacher): No.

Me: *confused*

Ms. Cleveland: *motions to me and Thomas* This isn't Valentine's day.


Me: *hides face in book*

Thomas: *moves over a seat*

Katie: (to Ms. Cleveland) How did you know about them?

Ms. Cleveland: Who doesn't know?

Me: *still blushing*

Class: *still AWWWWing and laughing*


Me: *walks up to Ms. Cleveland* What do you mean, 'who doesn't know"?

Ms. Cleveland: You sit together every day at lunch, you walk in the halls together, you're always making excuses to talk to each other...

(I work in the library in the mornings and he tries to come meet me there as often as possible)

So, if you're one of the detail-seeking fangirls, let me know! I'm always happy to freak out over I MEAN tell the story :D

I'll be in North Carolina for a week without internet, so Happy Thanksgiving! :D
I'm very thankful for all of you :3

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