Savanna and LotR

62 13 19

I have a set of LotR and TH pez dispensers, and asked Savanna to identify them.

Gollum (Goblin thing)
Gimli (Viking)
Legolas (Needs a haircut)
Aragorn (Also needs a haircut)
Gandalf the White (Evil Santa)
Sam (Short Dude)
Frodo (Short Dude)
Old Bilbo (Old Short Dude)

Bofur (Viking wannabe)
Young Bilbo (Ron Weasley)
Dwalin (A Blind Man Cut My Hair)
Gandalf the Grey (Drunk Santa)
Random orc (Burnt Toast Face)
Radagast (Bad Hair Day)
Kili (Dwarf Guy)
Thorin (Dwarf Guy's Father or Brother or Something)


The lack of certain characters also makes reenacting scenes kinda interesting.

For example, the Fellowship consisted of Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Old Bilbo, Young Bilbo, and Thorin.

And they got attacked by a single orc.

And Gandalf became best friends with Gandalf, forming an alliance to ride against the dark lord Gollum, who had hypnotized Radagast and Dwalin.

Luckily, the two Bilbos came in with Frodo and Sam to rescue Thorin, Bofur, and Gimli from the random orc.

And meanwhile, Legolas and Kili had a battle for some fangirls, while Aragorn judged and accidentally stabbed Kili in the process. was weird.

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