Chapter 9: Hoth

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Sorry I haven't updated! I was at my dads this weekend but I'm home now and I will be able to update because I'm on break! :) Please vote and comment!


The cold air of Hoth hit Almeta's skin as she quickly pulled the helmet on. Even wearing full gear, she was still freezing.

"Are you ready for this?" Anakin asked her, his blue eyes visible through the goggles over his masked helmet.
Almeta nodded.

The two stomped through the high snow; which stopped at her hips.
She followed Anakin as he lead the way. He'd peek back at her a few times to make sure she was still with him.

"There's a nearby cave, maybe that's where Darth Sidious has the droids standing guard."
It took forever as they walked through the snow. When they finally got to the cave, Anakin grabbed his lightsaber, Almeta doing the same.
When he stopped waking, he picked up his hologram.

"Obi-Wan. We've reached a cave we believe to be the droids station." He spoke.
Almeta was shivering as they walked further into the cave. The air was thinner as she breathed.


She looked over at Anakin. "Y-Yes Master."
"You're shivering, maybe you should go back to the ship with R2 and C-3PO."
She shook my head. "I'm fine, Master. We should hurry."

Almeta looked around as they walked in.
"Something isn't right." Anakin whispered.
"What do you mea -"

Almeta was interrupted by a loud growl. Anakin stopped walking, and she stopped breathing.

"This is a Wampa's cave." He hissed.
Almeta's eyes widened at the sight of a large white beast. It charged towards the two, and Anakin turned on his lightsaber, but it was too late.


Anakin opened his eyes at the feeling of blood rushing to his head.

He was hanging upside down.

He looked over to see Almeta in the same situation, also unconscious. He hissed, looking around.

A Wampa sat thirty feet away, with it's back to the two.
Anakin spotted the silver hilt to his lightsaber, deep into the snow, causing him to swallow.
I held my hand out, my breath hitching as the wampa sat up.

Using the force, he waited for the saber to jolt into his hands. By the time it was, the Wampa was running towards him.
Anakin cut himself down, falling into the snow. His heart skipped a beat as the Wampa hovered over him.

It let out a loud screech as the lightsaber pierced its stomach. As it crouched down, Anakin brought it to its neck, slashing it quickly.
Anakin quickly pulled his comlink, huffing.

"Master Obi-Wan, It's Anakin! We were caught by a Wampa! Almeta isn't responding, I'm bringing her back now!"

As he slit a hole into the ice, Almeta dropped down into his arms, and he examined her posture.


As Anakin boarded the ship, R2 and C-3PO stood.
"3PO, turn on auto-fly!" He demanded.
"Yes sir!"

He set Almeta on the thin mattress that was on the ship. "She's freezing." He said as Obi-Wan appeared on the hologram.

"There's no time, Anakin. Take the gear off and keep her warm as possible until you arrive here."
"Yes, Master."
Removing her helmet, he stared at her pale face.
"R2, find me a blanket in those compartments!"

Anakin pulled the bottoms of her gear off, throwing the wet clothing away. He took the top off, my hands pushing her wet hair away from her under armor.
R2 dropped off a blanket, and he sat her up and wrapped it around her.

"Watch her while I take over, 3PO." Anakin said, sitting at the front. He looked out ahead as he flew, becoming anxious.

"Sir, I don't mean to intrude - but Almeta's lips are blue and her skin is pale."
"You don't think I know that? Just watch her, please."

The Jedi Council is going to hate me. I knew they didn't fully trust me, but this wasn't going to help, - Anakin thought. 

And Obi-Wan, good God. He was going to be disappointed.
Anakin rubbed his temples as he leaned back, letting out an uneven breath.

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