It's A Deal

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I AM SORRY I HAVE NOT UPDATED IN LIKE 3 WEEKS AND I FEEL REALLY ABD ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also apologise for the fact this is a short chapter, my next one sould be up sooner and be longer because school finishes on Friday this week.

Thank you for baring with me and my laziness, it means a lot. :)

Vote and Comment :)

The Author xxx


We were all laughing as we walked as Bee was informing us about the boy she got with.

"He was all over me! Like. Hands. Everywhere!" she laughed.

"Well my guy had a lizard tongue I swear!" Katy laughed, gagging slightly.

"He wouldn't eve look at me to start with," I sighed. Katy and Bee stopped laughing and looked at me in shock.

"So you didn't hook up?" Katy smirked. I shook my head.

"Did he even try?" Bee asked. Again, I shook my head.

"So that means..." Katy and Bee squealed at the same time. "YOU LOST THE BET!"

"But!" I cut into their celebrations. "He got my number and is coming over to mine after school." Their jaws dropped at this new piece of information and their eyes sparkled.

"So it will just be you two? After school? Alone?" Katy clarified, earning a nod from me this time.

"No way!" Bee laughed.

"But, he is coming over so I can help him be more confident," I sighed.

"You have to corrupt him," Katy stated. Straight to the point and Bee nodded beside her.

"Yeah, if anyone can do it, you can, Nat." Bee smiled.

"That was my plan," I smirked at them.

"Go on then," Katy insisted.

"We are going to make this interesting. If I can get him to a party with us, $10 for me, $20 for drinking, $30 for drunk, $40 for a one night stand and $50 if he does it again. And that's from both of you," I stated with a sly smile as we re-entered the library.

"You girls took your time," the librarian said as we walked past her.

"We walk slowly," Katy replied.

"Fair enough," she said before turning back to her work. We smiled and nodded before walking back into our study room which held our books and bags just where we left them earlier. Katy and Bee were thinking over my proposition, thinking of what they could win out of this.

"Ok, here's how we win," Katy said sitting down again. "If he runs away this afternoon, $40, $30 not breaking his curfew, $20 for not drinking, $10 for keeping away from making out." I nodded at these conditions, knowing I could easily beat them at this.

"But what about this $50?" I asked.

"If you two get together, that's our $50," Bee said with an evil grin.

"Deal. You guys are going down," I laughed, putting my hand cross the table to shake with the two of them. Now it was only time to wait.

I couldn't wait for this afternoon to come around; I couldn't wait to corrupt Calum. I know that sounds like a horrible thing to do, but the poor boys was missing out on all the fun! I impatiently waited for the final bell to ring, signalling the end of the day, just so I could see Calum again. I was constantly glancing at the clocking every few minutes, just waiting. Then, it finally rang. I shot up out of my seat and raced out of the classroom, picking up my bag and shoving my books into it. I pulled out my phone and checked it for messages as I walked out to the front gates.


That was what flashed on my screen, so I opened it up to see what it said.

Unknown Number:

Hey Nat, it's Calum. Sorry, but I can't hang out this afternoon, maybe another time? It was nice to meet you :)

I groaned, realising I had become all excited over something that I should have known was never going to happen anyway. I saved his number quickly before typing my reply.

To Quiet Cal:

Another time it is then :)

I hung my head back on the wall after pressing send, knowing I had just lost my chance to have a little fun and I didn't even know why. Bee and Katy had caught up to me by now and were both giving me suspicious looks as to my sudden mood change.

"Calum just cancelled on me," I informed them with a pout. They burst out laughing, knowing full well I had just lost the bet; something I never do. I huffed in annoyance and started to walk home when they cam up behind me again.

"Well, you can't say you didn't see it coming, I mean, he wasn't ever really going to go through with it was he?" Katy asked. I glared at her.

"She was just saying, calm down Nat," Bee laughed.

"I know, but I was actually looking forward to spending time with a guy who didn't want to suck my face off. You know?" I sighed.

"Hmm," they hummed in response.

"Anyway, I have to get going, I don't think I have any food, but I am checking before I do buy anything," I said. "I'll see you tomorrow!" I waved to Katy and Bee.

"See you Nat!" Katy waved.

"Yeah, bye!" Bee said. I turned my music up loudly and put in my earphones for the walk home.


Home, I had finally made it home! I walked in the front door and went straight to the kitchen to check for food. I pulled open to the door to the cupboard: empty. Fridge: empty. Freezer: yep, empty. I sighed and dumped my school bag on the kitchen table before heading out the door again to the shops do I wouldn't starve for the rest of the week.

I lazily found my way down to the shops and picked up a basket as I entered. What was I going to eat? Pasta, I decided. I headed straight for the isle that had pasta and sauce packets because I'm lazy and can't cook. As I was browsing through my options, I noticed a familiar looking body heading my way. I lifted my head and connected eyes with none other than Calum.

I gave him a smile and waved at him, he was there with his mother, so I thought I should play it cool. She gave her son a questioning look, glancing from me to him until he muttered something to her. She still didn't look like she understood, so I walked over to introduce myself.

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