Good Music Bad Dancing

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Ok, so this took forever and a day to write, but it's finally here!!!! I am really sorry for all these filler chapters, but I promise they should be getting more interesting soon. This one was kind of just something cute for Catalie shippers, and there is something exciting at the end for Lukey fans ;)

Please Vote and Comment :) Thanks to all of you who have/do

Love you guys heaps <3

The Author xxx


We got back to my house late that night, not wanting to leave each other's side, Calum convinced me to stay over at his house for the night. So I collected what I would need and we left again. Even though Brian still wasn't exactly overly fond of me, he didn't protest as I walked through the door, saying a quiet hello to him and Tracy before heading up to Calum's room with him. It was the same as the last time I had been in there, but now there were a few posters hanging up on the walls.

"What's this?" I asked with a smirk, pointing to an All Time Low poster. Calum looked up from where he was pulling out some more pillows from his cupboard.

"Oh," he smiled and blushed a little. "They were one of the bands you like, so I listened to them, and uh, yeah. They're good." He finished with a shrug, turning away from me again.

"I never told you that," I replied, trying to think of a time that I might have.

"You didn't have to." Calum turned around ginning and walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist as we both admired with beauty of Alex, Jack, Rian and Zack. "You were just always listening to them, or wearing their merch, and I kinda just picked it up. You have a good taste in music," he whispered kissing my cheek, swaying us side to side.

"Thanks," I mumbled, blushing profusely, dipping my head and giggling. We stayed silent then, just being close like never before.

"I have an idea," Calum said, walking in front of me.

"Are you going to tell me?" I asked after he just kept staring at me with a stupid grin on his face.

"Oh, yeah right. Haha, you're just so pretty," he rambled, giving me a kiss and then pulled me to sit on his bed while he put a move in the DVD player. Once it was in, he picked up the remote and jumped onto the bed next to me. "Thought we could watch the next Star Wars movie," he said, hitting play.

"Good idea," I smiled, moving closer to his side. He put his arm around me, and we focused on the screen. Throughout the movie, we pretty much just cuddled, but of course there was some, ok, a LOT, of kissing that went on too. But as the movie was finishing, and it was reaching the early hours of the morning, I drifted off to sleep in his arms. Dreaming sweetly about the future.

** ** **

Sunlight was creeping through the curtains and waking me up slowly. I felt the presence of Calum next to me, and his arm draped over my waist, keeping me safe. One of his hands was playing with my hair, and I smiled softly into his side and I wrapped my arms around him, keeping my eyes closed.

"How'd I get so lucky? How could someone like you fall for someone like me? You're so gorgeous, Natalie. God, I love you so much," Calum mumbled quietly. He was unaware of the fact that I was awake, and so he continued to ramble about small details that he liked about me, and how lucky he was. After a while, he went quiet again, and I wondered if he had fallen asleep. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked up to see him smiling at me, his eyes taking in my appearance.

"It's rude to stare," I mumbled to him. He jumped at my sudden comment, causing me to start laughing at him.

"It's also rude to scare people," he countered. I just shrugged and sat up next to him. "Good morning you," he smiled, kissing my temple.

"That it is," I replied, turning to look at him and kissed his cheek. Just as Calum was about to lean in and kiss me properly, I felt nauseous and shot up from the bed, heading straight or the bathroom. Calum rushed in behind me and crouched down next to me as I, once again, threw up. He rubbed my back and kept my hair out of my face. Once I was finished, he grabbed a hand towel and wet it, wiping my forehead to cool me down. I started crying again.

"Shhhh, Nat. It's going to be alright. Everything is going to be fine. It's over now, just breathe," he whispered repeatedly. "Just breathe."

"I can't wait until this, this thing is out of me," I cried pulling my knees up to my chest.

"I know baby, I know." Calum just kept rubbing circles on my back to comfort me. "Just a few more days and it's all over."

"I never want to have kids! If this is what it's like being pregnant I am never having kids or sex ever again in my life!" I wailed, clinging onto Calum's arm. "I never want to do this ever again." My voice grew weaker and weaker the more I cried, and I could tell that Calum hated this as much I did.

"Are you two all right in there?" Tracy's voice asked through the closed bathroom door. I looked to Calum in fear, Brian and Tracy didn't know that I was pregnant, and I really didn't want them to find out either. My voice wouldn't let me answer, so I looked at Calum and mouthed "lie" to him.

"Yeah, we're fine. Nat's just got a stomach bug. That's why I she stayed over, so I could take care of her," he said. It was a pretty good lie. I would have fallen for it.

"Ok, do you need anything?" Tracy then asked. Calum look at me, and I shook my head.

"No thanks mum," he replied. When he turned back to me, he gave my forehead a, long, soft kiss, right on my hair line. "You're going to be fine, beautiful. Everything is going to be fine. I love you."

"I love you so much," I mumbled, pulling him closer to me. "Thank you."

For a while we just splayed out on the bathroom floor but as it was the only one in the entire house, we did eventually have to leave. I was drifting off to sleep when Calum picked me up effortlessly in his arms and carried me back to his room. He placed me down on the bed gently and rested his hand on my stomach. Obviously thinking I was asleep, he started talking again, just like he had when I woke up that morning.

"You know what, Nat?" He began in a hushed tone, "I know you don't want to have kids now, but one day, I hope it's planned, and that it's ours, and that you will love it, because I love you so much. I really do love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." A lingering kiss was planted on my lips and then there was a dip in the bed as Calum lay down next to me. I couldn't help but smile at what he had said. Maybe I would want kids one day, but right now the thought absolutely terrified me.

It wasn't only the responsibility of looking after a child, or being a mother, it was the making of the child. Sex was honestly so terrifying that I would still panic when Calum got too close sometimes. I wasn't going to tell him though, because he would constantly be worrying then, and I didn't want him to do that. It wouldn't be fair to him. I was going to get through this, and I wasn't going to let some asswipe's actions run my life forever. One day sex might seem fun again, but right now it was terrifying.

Just as I thought Calum had gone to sleep he started to hum a little tune that I didn't recognise at first, but then he started to sing the words so quietly I had to strain to hear them.

"I breathe you in with smoke in the backyard lights,

We use to laugh until we choked into the wasted nights.

It was the best time of my life, but now I sleep alone,

So darling, don't, don't wake me up, 'cause my thrill is gone.

In the sunset turning red behind the smoke,

Forever and alone,


You've gone and sewn me to this bed, the taste of you and me,

Will never leave my lips again, under the blinding rain.

I wanna hold our hand so tight I'm gonna break my wrist,

And when the vultures sing tonight, I'm gonna join right in.

I'll sing along, oh

'Cause I don't know any other song.

I'll sing along,

But I'm barely hanging on,

No, I'm barely hanging on.

By the time you're hearing this I'll already be gone,

And now there's nothing left to do, but scream at the drunken moon.

This isn't fair!

Don't you try and blame this on me.

My love for you was bullet proof but you're the one who shot me.

And god damn it, I can barely say your name,

So I'll try and write it and fill the pen with blood from the sink

Whoa oh.

But don't just say it, you should scream my name!

Pretend that it's a song, 'cause forever I'm yours,

And we can sing this on the way home.

I'll sing along, oh.

'Cause I don't know any other song.

I'll sing along,

But I'm barely hanging on.

No, I'm barely hanging on.

By the time you're hearing this I'll already be gone.

And there's nothing left to do but tear my voice apart.

Nothing to do,

And scream at the drunken moon."

"I didn't know you could sing," I mumbled. Calum jumped next to me and I giggled, opening my eyes to see him now perched on the edge of the bed with a shy smile, and his cheeks bright red.

"H-how much did you hear?" He stuttered.

"All of it," I whispered, taking his hand.

"You mean all of the song, or al-"

"I heard everything." I kissed his cheek.

"Sorry," he said, turning his face away.

"What for?" I asked sitting next to him.

"It sounded creepy and clingy didn't it?" He asked, a sort of embarrassed smile on his face.

"No, it terrifies me the thought of having to do anything like this ever again in the near future. But apart from that, I thought it sounded pretty damn perfect." Calum then smiled so widely and so genuinely I just smiled back. "Can I play some music?" I asked, pointing to his docking station.

"Yeah, go for it," Calum nodded.

I plugged in my phone and scrolled through my songs until I found the one I was looking for. It was "Juke Box Hero" by Foreigner. It was the song my dad and I would always play air guitar to when I was little, and right now I needed something stupidly fun like that to do. I hit play and turned the volume all the way up. I nodded my head along to the bass line, and spun around to face Calum once again. He was smiling at me as I danced over to him, pulling him off the bed and getting him to dance with me.

Admittedly, it wasn't really until the bridge and chorus that you could really start to jam out, but I didn't care. We were having fun and jumping around the room, shouting the lyrics. When it finally did reach the bridge, I was playing hard-core air guitar, while Calum belt out the words. We hopped onto his bed and jumped around, and when the chorus came in, we punk jumped off the bed and danced around his room together.


As the song came to an end, I tripped on his rug and nearly face planted the floor, but Calum caught me, pulling me close to him. I was laughing so much that I didn't even care about anything, and everything was funny. Calum was laughing at me too. He pushed some hair out of my eyes as I stood back up and put my hands on his shoulders. It wasn't often that I would completely lose myself in a moment, but this was definitely one of those rare times. I leaned closer to him, and he pressed his forehead onto mine. Our breaths mixed together in the moment, but neither of us would break the tension.

We continued to stare down at each other's lips and wonder who was going to do it. We would lean so close that our lips would brush ever so slightly, just enough to feel more than just a breath, but then pull away. Not wanting to spoil the feeling that had been created. I didn't even notice what song had started to play, until I heard the lyrics from 'Wake Me Up', by Ed Sheeran. How much more perfect could it get?

I finally gave in to the temptation of Calum's lips and kissed them ever so delicately, like they would shatter at any second. He kissed me back with the same lack of force, but even more love. We kissed as the songs kept playing but I no longer cared what they were. All I cared about was Calum's lips on mine and the way his hands held my waist to his securely. It was a slow kiss, not needing to be rushed, but just as my luck would have it, someone came bounding into the room yelling Calm's name. As they opened the door, we broke apart and looked to see who it was.

"CALU- oh, sorry guys. Hey Nat!" Luke greeted cheerily. He just waltzed in and sat on the bed, a grin spread across his face.

"Hey Luke," Calum and I said at the same time. Luke looked between us and then raised his eyebrows.

"I knew this would happen, and I'm so happy for you two! But I didn't come all the way over here to talk about you two," he rambled. I looked at Calum and he was just as clueless as I was.

"So why did you come all the way over here?" Calum asked, laughing at Luke's antics.

"I have a date!" Luke squealed. I gasped and pulled away from Calum to give Luke a hug and squeal with him. Calum rolled his eyes and laughed at us. "But I have a problem," Luke continued. "I don't know what to wear."

"How do you not know what to wear? You normally help me choose what to wear," Calum laughed again.

"Well, this is different," Luke pouted.

"It's ok Lukey, I'll help you choose!" I said, ruffling his hair gently.

"Thanks, Nat!" He sighed with relief. "You in too, Cal?"

"Hell yeah I'm in! My bro finally got a date!" Calum fist pumped the air and we all headed over to Luke's house.

Yesterday's Tomorrow (Calum Hood from 5SOS Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin