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A few weeks after the dinner with our families, Calum and I had become even closer than before, and so had our parents. My parents were leaving today though because they needed to go back to work having already taken off a few weeks. Calum had come with me to the airport so he could drive me back to his place for the afternoon. I was upset my parents were going, but they did promise to get more time off soon so they could see me again for my birthday.

Given the fact I had pretty much dropped out of school since that night had occurred, there was no point in them staying here for the graduation that was next week. I hadn’t planned on going to it, but I had received a text from Katy and Bee asking me to go so they could say goodbye before they went off on their gap year around America. Feeling terrible for not talking with them much for ages, and the fact that they were leaving soon, I felt some closure would do us all some good.

“Bye mum,” I said as I gave her one last hug before she boarded the plane. “I’ll miss you,” I choked out.

“Oh sweetie! I’ll miss you too. I promise to call you and make sure everything is ok. I love you,” she said kissing my head. I gave her a teary smile and then said goodbye to my father.

“Bye dad,” I said, throwing my arms around him and hugging him closely.

“Good bye, Nat.” He hugged me back. “That boy is a keeper, he really does care about you. I’m sorry I misjudged him,” he whispered in my ear. I smiled and thanked him before letting go and waving them off as they headed onto the plane. Calum held my hip to his and kissed my temple.

“C’mon, let’s go home,” he whispered, taking my hand as we walked out of the airport. It was just after midday, so the only reason Calum was there was because it was the weekend and not a school day. His graduation was the day after Katy and Bee’s, so I was planning on going with Tracy and Brian. While we were walking, I just kept thinking about what my father had said about Calum, and in my daydream I hadn’t noticed Calum trying to talk to me.

“Nat? Nat, are you even paying attention?” He asked with a slight frown, waving his hand in front of my face.

“Huh? What? Sorry,” I snapped out of it.

“You ok? You zoned out for a bit then,” he laughed, pulling me towards the car.

“Yeah, I was just thinking about something my dad said before he got on the plane,” I stated vaguely.

“What did he say?” Calum asked as he unlocked the car and got in the driver’s seat.

“He said you were a keeper, and that he’s sorry for misjudging you,” I smiled. Calm turned and looked at me with a disbelieving grin on his face.

“He really said that?!” He squeaked in excitement. I just laughed and nodded at him, hugging him over the console in the car. “I love you!” He laughed.

“I love you too,” I replied kissing his cheek and sitting back in my seat. We drove back to Calum’s and talked about his upcoming graduation and how he was nervous about it. I assured him everything would be fine, and by then we were at his house and ended up making cookies all afternoon.

**Katy & Bee’s Graduation**

I was seated towards the back of the hall and all by myself, watching as all of my peers graduated, feeling cheated, because I should have been up there too. No matter, I was there to support Katy and Bee, they deserved to finally get out of here, and on good terms. Parents were everywhere, mothers crying and fathers looking very proud of their graduating child. Most of the time I kept my head down and tried not to be seen by people.

Yesterday's Tomorrow (Calum Hood from 5SOS Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن