Reavealing Choices

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"This may be a little cold," the nurse said as she put the gel on my stomach. I was currently getting my 6 months ultrasound. Calum was sat with me as always and held my hand the whole time. The nurse started to point at the screen as the pictures of my stomach and womb came up. "There's your baby, and it appears to be very healthy indeed," the nurse informed us.

"Wow," Calum breathed out beside me. I smiled at the thought of it being my child, even though it wasn't exactly under ideal circumstances, that baby was still my baby.

"Would you like to know the gender?" The nurse asked with a smile. I wasn't really sure, so I looked at Calum, as much as it wasn't the plan for him to fall in love with this child, I think he ever so slowly was.

"Do you want to know?" I asked him quietly, he gave a small smile and nodded. I nodded to the nurse who proceeded to find out the gender for us.

"It's a baby boy," she grinned. I squeezed Calum's hand and couldn't help but smile. "Congratulations. Do you have any names in mind?" The nurse asked, beginning to pack up the equipment.

"I haven't really thought about it," I mumbled. I was only having this baby, it wasn't going to be my job to raise it and name it, naming things gets you attached and that was not my plan.

"Well, can I ask that it's not something stupid and out there?" The nurse laughed. "One patient named their child Moontus, I don't know why but I'm not allowed to comment on names when the parents are around."

"It won't be anything like that, we can tell you that now," Calum laughed. He helped me up and we headed back to my house.


The fact that I was now really showing was making every item of clothing I owned uncomfortable to wear. Not only was it tight, but it was also never sitting right on my body. Most of the time I would lay in bed all day and sleep, but because Calum was over I knew that wasn't going to happen.

Sitting on the couch I was flicking through the television channels while Calum was making me some lunch. My back was really starting to hurt lately too, so I was usually grumpy and snappy. I hated this so much. This wasn't how things were meant to pan out with my life, I hated this more than anything.

"Hey, I made you some extra because you're eating for two now," Calum smiled, sitting down next to me on the couch and putting a plate piled up with chicken and steamed vegetables on the coffee table.

"Holy shit that's a lot of food," I mumbled, eyeing it.

"I know, but you do need it. I'm just trying to look after you, so eat up," he grinned as he started to eat his much smaller serving of the food. I sighed and picked up my fork, eating some of the food and having to admit that he did a pretty good job of cooking it. I managed to eat most of the meal before feeling a little sick, and that was the worst part about all of this.

"Cal, I feel sick again, and everything hurts," I grumbled, leaning back on the couch and closing my eyes.

"Do you want something for it?" He asked, getting ready to stand and retrieve something, anything, for me.

"Can you get me my heat pack? It's on the bench in the kitchen," I asked quietly.

"Sure, I'll be back in a minute," he replied, kissing my forehead. When he came back, he helped me sit up and put the pack behind me, the heat easing the pain a little. "Do you want anything else?"

"Sleep, sleep would be good," I mumbled leaning on his shoulder.

"You sleep then," he whispered and put his arm around me, letting me rest against him. "Oh, and happy birthday, Nat. I love you."

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