Luke's Story

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For twenty minutes I had been sat on the floor crying into Calum’s chest about the test. It had said negative, and so had the other three tests, all from different brands. They all said no. I wasn’t pregnant. I was ok. Everything was going to be, ok. It was a ridiculous amount of pressure that had been lifted from me when we had looked at the first test. That was the hardest of them all, not that the other were easy to look at, but when the first had said negative, it was an indication that things were going the right way for once.

I couldn’t stop crying because I was so happy, the tears were falling, and I had the biggest smile on my face. I didn’t have to worry about being a teen mother, I didn’t have to worry about abortion or adoption, and I didn’t have to worry about Jason. Of course I was going to be happy about all of that. Calum was smiling with me, and I could tell that he was as relieved as I was about all of this.

“I’m not pregnant!” I gasped into Calum’s shoulder for the thousandth time.

“I’m so proud of you, Nat,” Calum chuckled back.

“Proud? Why are you proud of me?” I asked, so leaning back enough to see his face.

“I’m just proud of you,” he grinned.

“Ok then,” I laughed back. “Can we do nothing for the rest of the day? Invite Luke over and just watch movies?” I asked. Even though I was still ‘friends’ with Katy and Bee, they had totally freaked when I wasn’t replying to texts and phone calls. They turned against me, and when I had called them over to explain myself, the lost it completely and told me to “go fucking die to ignorant bitch! You were raped, you didn’t have your tongue ripped out or your fingers chopped off!”

It was then that I realised they didn’t really care for me, yeah, they had. But then I started to spend time with Calum and Luke, and they kind of just left the picture. Eventually I received an apology from them both, but they still remain as people I don’t want to be around.

“Anything you want,” Calum replied, slowly sliding me off his lap so we could stand up. Walking out of the bathroom, I dumped the used tests in the bin. They were enough proof as I needed for now. Once down stairs, I remembered how Calum and I would always watch the Star Wars movies, but only ever finished the second one before things started to get a bit crazy. I walked into the lounge room, while Calum went to the kitchen to find food. He was around here so much lately that I just left him to find what he needed.

“Calum, can you call Luke? I have to find the movie!” I called to the kitchen.

“Sure thing, Nat!” He shouted back. I continued m search for the elusive third movie that I always seemed to lose surprisingly. I was opening yet another drawer in my search when the doorbell rang out. “I got it!” Calum said walking to the door, and a few seconds later he and Luke entered the room. Calum was holding a bowl of lollies and a bottle of iced tea for us, while Luke had apparently picked up chips and chocolate for the afternoon as well.

“Hey! Glad you could come.” I stood and gave Luke a hug, and when we pulled back he looked down at my stomach then to my eyes again.

“What did the test say?” He asked quietly.

“I’m not pregnant!” I cheered, throwing my hands up in the air in celebration. The look that crossed Luke’s face was something of an overly relieved expression, as in, he was happier about me not being pregnant than I was. He let out a shaky breath and grinned so widely at me taking me into his arms for another hug.

“That’s amazing, Nat! Oh my god, I’m so happy for you!” He gushed to the top of my head. Wait, was Luke … crying?

“Luke, are you ok?” I asked him, trying to look at his face, but he kept turning away. “Luke?”

Yesterday's Tomorrow (Calum Hood from 5SOS Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora