We Argued

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Two hours of the folder later, we had finally finished going through my charges for various offences I had made. There were actually a lot:

Under Age Drinking: 8

Possession of Illegal

Drugs/Substances: 1

Possession of Fake Identification: 4

Public Disturbance: 2

Stealing: 5

It was 20 charges in total, and my parents had paid every single one of them, thinking it was a school fee, because that's what I had told them it was for when I asked for the money. All of these I had committed over the past 5 or 6 years, but I regretted every single one of them so much. Yet I had just gone through it all again, as if the action could make a difference to the events, or what I had thought about them.

Even though they did this every time I had been caught and brought in, it never made a difference; I still wished they had never happened. All I ever had to do was call my parents, saying something unexpected had come up and that I needed some money. The conversation was with their assistant though, no matter when I called, so my parents never really knew anything about what I was doing with their money or how much of it used.

"Hello, this is Tiffany, assistant to Mr and Mrs Smith. How can I help you today?" Her voice ran through the earpiece of my phone.

"Hey, Tiff, it's Nat," I sighed.

"Oh! Hello Natalie. Would you like to talk to your parents?" She asked, but I knew she was surprised I had called. I never really call.

"Uh, I don't have to, I just need some more money for school stuff. We got a letter today, and I just wanted to pay it early, otherwise I would forget." I added on a light laugh at the end. It was completely forced, but Tiffany wouldn't know the difference.

"Ok sweetie, how much do you need and I can transfer it for you now?" I heard some typing and smiled at how quick this was going to be.

"Uh, I need about $550," I replied.

"Ok, not a problem." There was a little typing for a few minutes, and then Tiffany said, "All done, you can get that money off your card now. Is that all you needed?"

"Yeah, thanks, Tiff. You're the best. Tell mum and dad I say hi, but I have to go and do some homework now," I lied.

"Sure thing. Have a good day," she replied.

"You too, bye."

"Bye." Then I hung up.

Poor Tiffany didn't know anything about what was going on with my parents and me, but in all honesty, I was glad about that, because she didn't feel the need to fix things with us. That was the one thing I couldn't stand; when people try and fix a problem that doesn't concern them one bit. They should just stay out of things, it's none of their business anyway.

But then what did you do to Calum?

That's different.

No, it's not. You are trying to fix a problem that has nothing to do with you. It's exactly the same.

Shut up, no it isn't!

I sighed and then walked up to the desk with a young female seated behind it. I was meant to pay the fine here, and then I could leave, but I had to be escorted home, because school was practically over, and the police had notified the school of my whereabouts while I was talking with Brian. I stood there, not fitting in with the other people who had to pay fines. I was a school girl in her uniform, looking scared and frightened by this side of the world.

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