More Hard Decisions

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My phone was ringing out loudly as I was waiting for Luke to finish changing outfits for the third time that afternoon. I considered leaving it and just letting it go to voice mail, but something in me made me pick it up. I saw the caller ID as Tiffany, and excused myself from Luke's room, and walked out so Calum wouldn't hear the conversation.

"Hey, Tiff! What's going on?" I answered rather cheerily.

"Hello Natalie. Your parents just wanted me to call and ask about the hospital appointments that you've gone to in the past week, and the one you have on Wednesday." Tiffany said. "Uh, ok. What do you want to know about them?" I could feel my heart beating faster and faster, like I already knew what she needed to know.

"They want to know why you needed them."

"They were just for..." I could have lied and said a general check-up, or the flu or something like that. But the fact that they had bothered to call and ask about my well-being was making me thinking lying would be a bad idea. "I needed an ultra sound, and on Wednesday I'm getting an abortion."

"Oh, Nat!" Tiffany gasped. "Oh this is bad, I'm so sorry about this," she continued to babble.

"Tiff, it's not that bad, I'm going to be fine," I reassured her.

"Oh Nat I know you will be, but there was another reason I had to call you. It was to see if you could reschedule your appointment, because Jason's court hearing starts then, and you have to be there," Tiffany explained.

"What?" I breathed. No, no this couldn't be happening! I couldn't change my appointment, that was the earliest they could give me, and I couldn't have one later, because it would then be too late. I couldn't miss the hearing either, and I was sure they wouldn't budge on the date they had set for a fact. I was going to have to choose.

"Nat, I'm so sorry, I really am. I will do everything I can to try and fix this. Could you go to the hospital later in the week?" Tiffany asked then, completely concerned.

"No, Wednesday was when it has to be," I said.

"I can try and convince the court to change their date then. I swear, I will do everything I can to make this work for you. I'm so sorry sweetie, I really am."

"It's not your fault, Tiff. Can you tell mum and dad I say hi?" I asked, overcome with sadness.

"Of course I can. I'll talk to you later."

"Ok, bye Tiff."

"Bye Nat."

I hung up and sunk down to the floor, dropping my phone and suddenly losing my breath. It was coming in quickly and I was getting light headed, to the point where I was hyperventilating and couldn't catch my breath at all. I was shaking uncontrollably and couldn't even muster up the strength to call for help. My vision was blurring and I was so sure I would pass out at any second. Then Luke's door opened and both boys looked at me in shock.

"NAT! Nat, what's going on?!" Calum shouted and ran over to crouch next to me.

"Calum! Calm down, she's having a panic attack," Luke said plainly. Calum shot him a worried look, his eyes pleading for any idea of what to do. "Nat," Luke said firmly, his face now right in front of mine. "Look at me, and just breathe," he instructed.

"I-I-I-I c-can't-t," I struggled to say. Calum was freaking out, but Luke was staying cool, calm, and collected throughout the whole thing.

"Yes you can, Nat. You just have to breathe. Everything is going to be fine, there's nothing to worry about," Luke said, making sure I was still looking at him. I was becoming more and more light headed as time passed, and my breathing was not evening out at all. Calum was nearly in tears and I was crying. Suddenly I was being kissed.

"Cal! What are you doing?" Luke asked from somewhere else in the room. As Calum pulled away from me a few seconds later, his shaking hand took mine and looked me in the eyes.

"I see it all the time in movies, that someone is having a panic attack, and they get kissed and it stops." he informed us. "So, I guess it was worth a shot," he finished. I realised that my breathing had actually evened out now, and I was starting to think more clearly than I had been before.

"Thanks," I sighed, collapsing into his arms. Calum started to stroke my hair and hold me close.

"Anything for you, babe," he whispered. I smiled and looked at Luke, he was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, and a dark blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to above his elbows. He had quaffed his hair to perfection and had topped off his look with black vans.

"You look perfect, Lukey," I complimented quietly. He smiled at me and ducked his head.

"Thanks, Nat. But I sort of don't feel like I should go now," he answered.

"Don't be ridiculous! You deserve to go and have fun. Calum can look after me anyway," I said, encouragingly. Luke looked between us, then softened and smiled.

"Alright!" He grinned.

"But who is your date with anyway? You still haven't told us," Calum interjected. Luke suddenly got really shy and blushed a little too.

"You know Michael?" Luke asked Calum, not looking at him.

"NO WAY!" Calum shouted, jumping up from the floor and grabbing Luke's shoulders. "ARE YOU JOKING?! HE'S THE SCHOOL BAD BOY, LUKE!" I couldn't tell if Calum was excited and approved or angry and disapproved. Luke receded back into his little shell and ducked his head even more than he had the first time.

"I know that, but, we - uh - we've been talking for a while now. Ever since that day I had to stay and clean up after science with him actually. He asked me out the other day," Luke told us.

"Are you sure about this?" Calum asked, a smile creeping onto his face now.

"Yeah. I'm sure," Luke said, looking Calum dead in the eyes. They then hugged each other and I could see that Calum was nearly in tears. "Come on man, don't go crying on me," Luke sniffled, almost crying now too.

"I'm just so happy for you," Calum chocked out.

"Thanks, but you're starting to sound like my dad," Luke chuckled. They both stopped crying then and pulled away.

"You guys are too cute," I giggled. They both gave me a look and I laughed even more at them, standing and wobbling a little on me feet. Calum came to my side and held me steady as I leaned against the wall for extra balance.

"Are you sure that you're ok?" Calum asked me, getting worried again.

"I'll be fine," I smiled weakly. Calum looked like he was going to say something else, when there was a knock on the door. Luke's eyes got even wider and he suddenly looked nervous.

"Oh my god, that's him! He's here! Oh my god! What do I do?" Luke started freaking out.

"Go answer the door!" I laughed at him. He shot me a half heated glare for laughing, but the walked to the front door. Halfway there he must have turned back, because he made us walk with him to the door because he was so nervous. Luke finally opened the door to reveal a boy I had never expected him to associate with.

He was tall and thin, but not unhealthily, and was fairly pale looking. He had piercings and a few tattoos, and his hair was dyed with blues, pinks, and purples, making it look like the galaxy prints. He was dressed in black skinny jeans as well and his shoes were black boots. His shirt was black from what I could see from behind. He was attractive, I could give him that for sure. He was looking down at his feet with his back to the door and hadn't noticed that the door was open.

"Oh my god, what if he doesn't like me? What if this all goes wrong?" He was muttering to himself. "I don't even know why he said yes!" He sighed exasperatedly. Luke then looked at us for what he should do, but Calum just gave him a little push over the threshold. The sounds gained Michael's attention and he turned just in time to catch Luke as he tripped.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Luke exclaimed, completely embarrassed.

"It's ok," Michael laughed. "But I thought we might get to his a little later," he continued with a sly wink. Luke blushed even more and just laughed nervously.

"Well, you guys have fun!" Calum announced, giving them a wave and closing the door. Calum and I walked to the kitchen where he sat me up on the counter and got me a glass of water, then stood between my legs, his hands on my hips.

"Thanks," I said. I took a few sips of the water and then placed the glass down and put my hands on Calum's shoulders. I was finally the same height as him now, and it was really nice.

"Are going to tell me what all that was about before?" Calum asked as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Uh, well," I started, but I wasn't quite sure how I was meant to tell him that I could either put Jason away and keep the baby, or let Jason walk away from this, and get rid of it.

"Nat, you can tell me anything, you know that right?" Calum asked, his eyes pleading for an answer. I nodded my head. "You scared the shit out of me before, I didn't know what was going on or what I was meant to do, and I was so scared. It was terrifying seeing you lose control of yourself like that and not be able to stop. I was so scared, I was so, so scared," he murmured. "Tell me what it was. I'll make it better, I promise you, I will keep you safe." He kissed the tip of my nose and looked me in the eyes. "Please."

"Tiffany called before you know my parents assistant? Yeah, well, she called before and asked about the doctors' appointments and wanted to know what they were for and I thought about lying, but they had cared enough to call so I didn't. Tiff then told me the date for the court hearing about Jason," I paused to look at Calum. His jaw was tensed and his eyes were focused. "It's the same day as the abortion."

"What are you going to do?" Was his first question. I put my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"I don't know. Tiffany is going to see if they can move the court case back a few days so that I can do both. But I don't think even she can get them to do that," I mumbled.

"We can work with this," Calum said, but I could the doubt in his voice, and the way it wasn't as strong as usual.

"No we can't. We have to be realistic about this, I have to make the best choice for my future," I told him.

"No, we can get both of them, we can. I promise you we will find a way," he pleaded with me.

"As much I wish we could, we have to be realistic, Calum. And realistically, I can only choose one." I hated being so negative, but it was true.

"Nat," Calum breathed.

"You know it's true," I finished. He sighed in defeat and put his head against mine. His hands found mine and he started to play with my fingers every so carefully. He ran his fingertips along the back of my hand and then over my palms. He took my hands in his and I held onto his fingers, brushing my thumbs over them. Calum picked up my hands and kissed them, just like a price would a princess.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you more," I smirked.

"Don't give up," Calum smiled. He then picked me up and carried me out to his car, and sitting me on the hood.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"I thought it was romantic to sit on the hood of a car?" Calum questioned.

"You're such a dork," I laughed again, kissing him.

"You love it though," he mumbled between kisses.

"So much," I managed out. And there we were, making out on his car.


Woop woop! Early update!!! :D So I have the rest of this story planned out and I know exactly where and how I'm going to finish it. I just want to know if you want a chapter that is like, a quick one of Luke and Michael's date? If so, I would love to write it ;)

But how cute are the two of them?! Punk Michael and Luke getting all awkward and shy :')

More drama for Nat! Whaaatttt wwwwwiiiiiiillllll sssshhhhheeeeee cccchhhooooosssseeeee??????????? Only I know!

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The Author xxx

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