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I know it has been 2 weeks since the last update and I'm sorry!!!!! I aslo apologise because this is kind of a filler chapter. The next one should be mre interesting and up by the weekend because I fixed the internet on my laptopp now!!!

Yaya!!!! ok, please don't hate me too much....

Comment and vote please? :)

The Author xxx


Calum had not tried to talk to me since our argument a few days ago, and honestly, I hadn’t tried to talk to him either. I was sitting in my kitchen on a Saturday morning, wondering what it was I should do with myself to keep my mind off him. I was scrolling through Facebook when I saw information about a party that was going to be held at some guy’s house.

I had been to a few of his parties before, and they were always the most fun to go to; lots of booze and drugs. I looked at the details. It was starting at 6, giving me time to go out and buy a nice new outfit for the party. Quickly downing the rest of my breakfast, I changed and headed out into the city to ready myself for a good time.

After spending 3 hours looking around the shops, I had finally found the perfect dress for tonight. It a tight body hugging dress that stopped just above mid-thigh, it was strapless and coloured in a sexy red. I bought a pair of pumps to match the red of the dress, and some new make-up to look fresh as well.

Walking home, I was listening to the cars driving past me, and watching as people walked with their friends or played games in the street, while I continued on my way alone. Reaching my house, I opened to door and went to get ready straight away, wanting to look perfect for this party.

5:30 came around and I was now in my dress and had my hair and make-up perfected, and was just slipping into my shoes. I had sent a text to Katy and Bee, apologising about the other day, and asking if they were going. Straight away they had forgiven me and said they would come around and pick me up. I was so happy that I was going to have a good time again, that I also decided that the bet would be back on.

A car horn beeped outside my house, and I flung the front door open, and walked over to the car that held my two friends and another two guys I didn’t really know. Katy was in the front with the driver and Bee was in the back, almost sitting on the other guys lap. I connected the dots and got into the car before we drove off to party like there was no tomorrow.


The party was in full swing even by the time we arrived, and with the setting sun it was only going to get louder and wilder as the night continued. Entering the house, the first thing I did was try and find myself a drink, having been left by Katy and Bee not long after getting out of the car. There were a lot of people all cramped into the small house, with loud music thumping.

Walking around, I saw some people I recognised from other parties I had been to, and they remembered me also, waving hello before going back to their conversations. Eventually I found my way to the kitchen and picked up a cup that had just been poured, taking it to my lips and chugging it down. That was soon followed by a second, and within minutes I had been dragged into taking shots.

“6! 7! 8! 9! 10!” Everyone chanted as I swallowed the poisonous liquid and felt it burn down my throat. I had become accustomed to this feeling by now, and loved it. My vision would now not stay still and my balance had left my being completely as I tried to walk over to where everyone was dancing and jumping along to the beat of the music.

Yesterday's Tomorrow (Calum Hood from 5SOS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now