Safety First

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1. It was exam / assessment week at school so I really had to focus on that.

2. Two of my friends left last week so I was really upset about that.

3. I got really sick to the point where I spent over 24 hours on the couch because I couldn't move or eat or do anything.

BUT HERE IS MY UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!! I'm on school holidays for the next 6 weeks now so because I have no life I should be able to update a little more frequently. I also have a surprise that I want to tell you about, so in the next few authors notes I may let you in on it ;)

Thank you again for sticking around and reading my stories :) Share them around if you want and please vote and comment :)

You guys are the bomb digity and I hope you all know that! :D Lots of love to you alllllllllllll <3

The Author xxx


We were seated at a bench near a park, the two of us. Calum still had a tight grip on my arm, and I was trying to comprehend what was going on. Why on earth was Calum drunk? He was never like this, he would never say anything to hurt Luke, especially something about his sexuality. Calum just wasn’t that kind of person, and I felt like he never would have been if I hadn’t got to him. It was my fault.

“What did you want to talk about?” I asked quietly after sitting there for a good 10 minutes saying nothing at all. Calum slowly turned to look at me.

“I wanted to ask how today went,” he replied just as quietly. “But, when I saw you were with Luke…” he trailed off.

“Why would it matter if I was with Luke?”

“Because you’re my girlfriend!” He yelled. “You are my girlfriend, Natalie. You should be with me, not Luke. Why would you do that to me?” He whispered, almost in tears now.

“Oh god,” I breathed. “Cal, Luke was telling me about his date with Michael, that’s why he wanted to talk to me. I’m so sorry I didn’t reply to you, I just didn’t know what to say. Please don’t be mad at me, please, I never meant to hurt you, I just, and I just needed to figure out how to tell you.” I looked him in the eyes and held his gaze. His eyes were glazed over, and he definitely wasn’t himself at the moment.

“But why didn’t you tell me how today went?” He asked now, leaning on my shoulder and pressing his nose against my neck. “I just wanted to know if Jason was no longer going to be a problem.”

“I was going to call you when I got home,” I whispered, running my fingers through his soft, brown hair.

“Really?” He asked, sounding so surprised that I would have done that.

“Yes really.” There was another pause, so before I could think I asked, “Cal, why were you drinking?” He stiffened.

“I-I-I just had a little bit. I was home alone, and you weren’t answering me, and Luke wasn’t either, and I just-“ he stopped then and broke down crying in my arms. He sobbed and sobbed so loudly that he could have been laughing or crying, but the warm tears on my shoulder confirmed what he was really doing.  

“Cal, Cal it’s ok. I’m here now, I’m not going anywhere, and I’m staying here. I’m so sorry for letting this happen, I’m so sorry. You didn’t hurt yourself, did you?” I asked, my voice cracking at the thought of it. Calum shook his head and I sighed in relief. He was still sobbing, but had finally let go of my arm and was now hugging me around the waist and burring his head in my shoulder. I held his head there and just let him cry.

Yesterday's Tomorrow (Calum Hood from 5SOS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now