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One whole month had passed since Michael had confessed his intentions about marrying Luke, and in that time Calum and I had helped him to plan things out to perfection. Luke had always loved going places that he hadn’t been before, just for an adventure or to look around, he just loved new places. We had organised to go in land for a weekend retreat to a little cottage up a little hill surrounded by green and silence. It was well out from the city and away from any kind of civilisation.

Everything was packed and in Michael’s truck as he had offered to drive us all there. Luke and Michael sat in the front and chose the music and talked about how cool all of this was going to be. Calum and I were in the back and were talking as well, I was about 3 months pregnant now, and it was starting to show a little. Calum hadn’t made any mention that I was looking fatter, but I really was and it was already beginning to be annoying as my clothes were tighter than they had been before all of this.

“Cal, I don’t want to get fat. I’ll have no clothes to wear and I’ll get stretch marks and it took me forever to be happy with how I look,” I complained for the hundredth time about the subject.

“Nat, I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again, you are always going to be beautiful and I am always going to love you. I’ll even buy you new clothes if you want,” Calum said. I looked at him and he just smiled and kissed me. “Promise.” Michael would occasionally look at us through the rear view mirror, and I could tell that he was nervous about this. I could understand that. Half way through the drive we stopped to get lunch at a little café next to a service station. Luke went off to the toilets and once he was out of ear Michael looked to us desperately.

“I don’t know if I can go through with this,” he panicked.

“He loves you, I can see it in the way he looks at you, he’s completely and totally in love with you, just as much as you love him. It’s all going to work out perfectly. Just like we planned.” Calum gave Michael a pep talk following along those lines every time he started to freak out over this and it always helped.

“But what if he says no, or he’s not ready?” Michael asked, his eyes wide with fear.

“Then you guys can wait until he is ready,” I said calmly, placing my hand on his. Michael gave us both a weak smile just a Luke returned. I pulled my hands away from Michael, leaning back against Calum who had his arm around the back of my chair.

“I think it’s time for a change of driver,” Luke said, wrapping his arms around Michael from behind and resting his chin on his head so that Michael wouldn’t get up.

“I can drive now, we’re almost there and you need a break, Mikey,” Calum volunteered. Calum also gave a subtle nod to Luke who was looking at Michael with a pout, wanting him to take a break from driving.

“Yeah, thanks,” Michael agreed. Luke grinned and kissed his cheek. The two boys shared a moment as Calum and I went back to the car. Calum insisted on helping me with every little thing I tried to do lately. To start off with I was ok with it, because I thought he was just being extra sweet, but it’s turned into that I can’t do anything without being asked if I’m ok.

“Cal, I can get in a car by myself,” I sighed as he gave me his hand to help me into the seat. He ducked his head and laughed, embarrassed.

“I know, sorry. I just don’t want either of you getting hurt,” he mumbled. I sighed even more heavily than he had, this was getting ridiculous.

“Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if the baby didn’t make it,” I grumbled, placing my hand on my stomach and looking down to where the foetus was growing inside of me. It was true. I still didn’t want the baby and the only reason it were still growing was because it now had a brain and a heartbeat. I wasn’t going to raise this baby, it wouldn’t be fair to me or it because I would do a terrible job of it and a child deserves a good chance.

Yesterday's Tomorrow (Calum Hood from 5SOS Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now