The Truth Comes Out

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From Katy Kat & Bumble Bee:

K: You can't quit the bet! You never do, and why would you care about this guy anyway???!!!

B: She's right Nat, and you know it. You said it was a deal, and you know you can't back out of it.

They were the texts that I woke up to the next morning, but it wasn't the last, or worst, of it. As soon as I got to school that day, Katy and Bee were having a go at me for no longer wanting to corrupt Calum, and by the time lunch came around, I was so over the both of them.

"Seriously though, what one earth has possessed you to not want to mess with him? What happened to you?" Bee continued with her asking of questions while I tried my best to ignore her and not snap.

"Nat? Nat?!" Katy said, clicking her finders in front of my face. I glared at them both, for once wishing that they would just go away and leave me alone.

"What?" I asked bitterly.

"Why. Do. You. Want. To. Call. Off. The. Bet?" Bee asked again, slowing down every word for me.

"Why do I have to tell you two anyway? Maybe I'm over just hooking up with guys for an hour and then finding another one! Maybe I'm through with only thinking about the here and now! Maybe I'm just done with you two never being happy and always dragging me into your shit storms! There, I said it, I'm sick of you two!" I started to laugh manically at their stunned faces as I walked way and out of the school gates, not planning to come back either.

I walked in any direction that lead me away from the school and the people I used to call my friends. I had trusted them with so much, but now it all seemed as though I should have just kept to myself like I always had done; never letting anyone in but myself. I was approaching an old bus shelter, ready to let it take me away from everything, when a police car stopped on the side of the road. Out of the car came an officer, and he walked towards me with purpose in his stride, and suddenly, I came back to what I was really doing.

"Excuse me Miss, but why are you not in the school grounds right now?" The officer asked me. I wasn't looking at him, but his voice was familiar, I just couldn't place it. "Miss, I asked why you are not at school right now," his voice came again, but words were failing me at this very moment, and I just could not muster up an answer.

"I don't know," I whispered. It was the truth of the matter, I didn't know why I had left or why I was so determined to get away from everyone, I just was. They weren't Calum. Is that really it? Is that really the reason I just ran away; because they weren't a boy I had just met?

"You don't know?" the officer asked confused.

"They weren't Calum, they weren't Calum, and so they didn't understand. They didn't understand and I had to get away," I whispered, but the words were now falling from my lips in silent sobs.

"They weren't Calum? Who's Calum?" The officer asked me, placing a hand carefully on my shoulder. I looked up to finally see the man asking me these questions, and then knew why he was familiar. He was Brian Hood. My eyes widened in shock, and his mirrored the reaction perfectly. I went to turn and run away from him, but it would have only made matters worse for myself. I mean, he already didn't like me or trust me, and he was a police officer, who had just happened to find me while I was out of school.


"I'm sorry, I should really be getting back to school," I mumbled in a pathetic attempt to get away. It failed miserably.

"I don't think so, you are coming with me, and I'm calling your parents too," Brian said, walking back to his car with me following silently, head bowed and shoulders hunched. "Sit in the back and don't talk," he ordered. I did as I was told and sat there, wishing I had run when I had the chance. I slumped back and huffed, in annoyance that I was now in deeper shit than ever, but my parents weren't going to care about it, they were off in Germany or something right now anyway so they couldn't do anything if they tried.

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