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Sitting in the court room was terrifying. My heat was racing, my palms were sweating, and my mind was not focused on the task at hand. Putting Jason in jail. After the argument Calum and I had, I wasn't able to concentrate, I was constantly worrying about whether he was going to show up with me today or not. So far, he hadn't. Every time the door opened I would turn around in hopes that it would be him, but it never was. In 10 minutes I was going to be questioned and testify against Jason, and in those 10 minutes I was praying for Calum to show up more than ever.

As I was called to the stand, I stole one last glance at the door, but when Calum didn't enter, my stomach dropped. He had been my last ray of hope to actually get me through this. But because of that one stupid argument, my hope was gone. I took my seat and said the oath, and answered the questions and held it together. There was one question I was not expecting though.

"Evidence has come to our attention, Natalie, that you are in fact carrying a child. This child you have claimed belongs to Jason. I would just like to ask you what you plan to do with the child. Do you plan to have an abortion? Keep it? Give it away? Please, enlighten us," Jason's lawyer said, pacing back and forth in front of me, addressing the whole room.

"I have not made any final decisions about what will happen to this child, but abortion is no longer an option. I could have gone today, and no longer had to worry about pregnancy, but instead, I came here, in hopes that justice would be served accordingly. Furthermore, because I must now keep this child, I am unaware of the way it will be brought up, I am unaware of who will bring it up, and I am unaware of whether or not I will be a part of its life. So to answer your question, I plan to have this baby, but no decision has been made at this point in time about what will happen after that. It is far too early for decisions like that to be made," I said.

After saying that, I was rather glad that Calum wasn't there, because it would have caused even more problems. He would have said I lied, and that I had told him differently. But in truth, what I had told Calum was not my plan anymore. I just didn't know. I didn't know what I was going to do now, and it was because Calum had told me to think, that I had thought clearly about it.

"Thank you, Miss Smith," said the lawyer. I was dismissed and sat back down with my family, waiting to see what would happen next. A break was called. I rushed out of the room and pulled out my phone, turning it back on to see countless messages from Calum and Luke.

From Calum:

1. I'm so sorry about the other day.

2. I get that you're angry and I should have listened to you.

3. Please don't be mad at me L

4. I can't get the day off school, so I won't be there for you, but I know you can do this. Good luck xx

5. I love you xxx <3

From Lukey:


2. Good luck today! You got this J

I wasn't going to have long to talk to them, and from Luke's messages he wanted to have long discussion, but I wasn't ready to talk to Calum about the other day yet. I was still fuming about what he had said and that he hadn't tried to talk to me since then. It was true that I hadn't tried to talk to him either, but it seemed that I was always the one trying to fix things between us. I replied to Luke.

To Luke:

We can meet up this afternoon if you want and you can tell me everything then J and thanks x

Seeing a water fountain near a wall, I walked over and took a drink, trying to keep myself calm about this whole situation. Watching people scurrying past and looking tense wasn't helping though, as it just made me tense up as well. Feeling my phone vibrate, I looked at it, hoping for a distraction. A text was the perfect one.

From Luke:

Sounds good! I'll pick you up from your house after school and we can go get ice-cream!!!!!! :D

I laughed at how much he could remind me of a little kid sometimes.

To Luke:

Awesome. I have to go back into the court now, but I'll keep you up to date :)

I turned my phone back off and put it in the pocket of my jacket. My mother came up to me and took my arm, pulling me back into the court room. With a long sigh I followed and sat back down. Jason was questioned during this session, he looked very focused, but every now and then he would swallow hard and bite his lip. I knew this was out of nerves, because I had done the same thing every time I needed to do a speech in class.

He time seemed to fly by when I didn't really need to pay attention, and I could see in the faces of the jury that they were going to find him guilty. Just the way that they kept looking at me and how they would whisper things to each other. My lawyer also told me that he was really confident that we would win as well. I just nodded and went back to staring at the wall.

Hours passed and it was finally time to hear the verdict of the jury. Now, I was getting really nervous. Throughout the breaks we had during the day, I would text Luke and update him about what was going on and how things were looking. He would send me cute selfies every now and then and just funny little messages to keep me relaxed. As the jury entered back into the room, the all looked as though they were happy with the decision that had been made. The last juror to enter the room stayed standing and addressed the court room.

"After a thorough discussion and analysis of the evidence that has been presented today, the jury have found the defendant one the following charges; under aged drinking - guilty, possession of illegal substances - guilty, rape - guilty. Thank you, Your Honour. " He spoke, then sat back down. I let out an overwhelmed squeak at his words and found myself smiling uncontrollably now. All attention was then turned to the judge who was now going to declare Jason's sentence.

"After being found guilty upon all charges, the defendant's sentence will be as follows; 7 years imprisonment, with probation every 8 months," she announced. She raised her gavel and I glanced over at Jason, who was glaring back at me, enraged that he was now sentenced to this. The gavel hit the wood, and court was dismissed. It was all over. Jason was no longer a problem, and he wasn't going to be for at least 8 months.

I sent Luke a text and told him the news. He replied soon after, saying how he was so happy and that he couldn't wait to see me, and that he would pick me up from my house once he got home from school and take me out to celebrate. I couldn't stop smiling as my parents drove us all home and continued to do so as I got ready to meet up with Luke.

"Natalie, sweetie! Can you come in here for a minute please?" My mother called from the kitchen.

"Yep! Coming!" I called back as I walked out of my room in my ripped jeans and a Blink-182 shirt. I walked into the kitchen and received a shocked look from my father.

'What on earth are you wearing?!" He exclaimed, looking up and down my appearance.

"Clothes?" I replied, not quite sure what he meant.

"But why are they all tattered, and that shirt! It's what groupies where, Natalie," he frowned.

"I like this band, dad. And these are my favourite jeans!" I said, pointing to the items.

"I don't want you going out in public like that. What was wrong with the clothes you had on before?" He asked.

"Dad, I'm meeting up with Luke, not going out to a business meeting. A pant suit is not necessary, it's just a casual meet up," I tried to explain.

"I still don't approve of that outfit though. And who is this 'Luke' character?" My father continued to question.

"He's just a friend," I sighed, shaking my head.

"I am not in the mood for your little games, Natalie!" He bellowed, standing up from the stool he had been on. At this sudden outburst, I receded back a little.

"I'm not playing games! He's just my friend, we are going to get some ice-cream, and we are going to talk about his date and how it went in court today. We won today dad! We won and I'm going out to celebrate with my friend," I finished and turned for the door.

"You're not going to see that Calum boy are you?" That was the final thing I heard my father ask before I closed the door behind myself. I sat on the grass out the front of my house and looked at my phone. There was another text from Calum, asking how court went today. Considering replying, I typed it out and sat there with my thumb hovering over the send button, contemplating if it was the right thing to do. As I was about to make up my mind, Luke rocked up in his ute and beeped the horn. He grinned widely at me and I got up off the grass and got into his car.

"Hey, Natty!" Luke sang as I closed the door and put my seatbelt on.

"Hey, Lukey Pukey!" I sang back to him. He pulled away from the curb and started to drive off the ice-cream parlour.

"So, what are we talking about first? You? Or the far more fabulous me?" He asked cheekily.

"Well... I do prefer a fabulous topic, so you," I laughed. Luke chuckled and started to tell me every single detail of his and Michael's date. He told me about the car ride, the almost kiss after they stopped the car. He told me about the cute pizza Michael bought for him, and that they talked for hours and hours. He told me about going to the lookout with Michael and that he hugged him from behind, and that they did kiss then. I had squealed when Luke told me this and gained the attention of others in the ice-cream shop we were currently eating in.

"You guys kissed already?!" I whispered yelled at Luke, who blushed and ducked his head.

"Well, we have been getting really close over these past few months..." he trailed off.

"You little cutie!" I laughed, giving him a gentle shove.

"But he's such a good kisser, Nat! And after that, we went back to his car and made out for ages! Then he drove me home and he had this sexy little smirk on his face and would like his lips and oh my god I thought I was going to die! We talked some more, but I could tell he just wanted to make out some more. So, he stopped a few houses away from mine and we did just that. I knew my mum and dad would have wanted me home soon, but I just couldn't stop! He's so amazing!" Luke babbled.

"Luke! You horny little shit!" I laughed even louder, eating some more of my chocolate fudge ice-cream.

"Shhhh! There are little ears around!" Luke hushed me, but he was laughing too. "Anyway, I had to stop myself before things got too carried away. So he drove up to my house and he walked me to the door. He held my hand the whole time, and when I was about to open the door when he kissed me again. In the end my mum came out and we had to stop." Luke looked down and smiled, taking a spoonful of his rainbow ice-cream. "Michael got all shy meeting my parents, it was really cute, and before he left he gave me a hug and little peck." Luke was grinning so much now.

"Awww! That's seriously so cute!" I cooed, pinching his cheeks and having him swat my hands away. "You guys are so cute. Are you going to take him somewhere next time?" I asked now.

"I want to, yeah," Luke replied. "I just don't know where."

"Go to the movies and just make out the whole time," I shrugged. Luke thought about it with a smirk on his face, and I knew that was what he was going to do. "You horny lit-" I was cut off from finishing my sentence when I noticed who had walked into the shop. Calum scanned the room and our eyes met, holding each other. I was wondering how this would end, but hoped it wasn't going to cause a scene.

"What's wrong, Nat?" Luke asked, following my gaze to see Calum walking over to us.

"Nat! Why the hell haven't you replied to me all day, but you still hang out with this gay little faggot?!" Calum yells, pointing to Luke. Luke looked as though his heart had just been ripped out of his chest, he looks like he was going to cry, and so he got up and left.

"Calum! What is wrong with you!? Luke is your best friend and you have never said anything like that before!" I exclaimed, standing and trying to follow Luke.

'No! You are not going to go after him. Come with me," Calum hissed as he grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me behind him. He breathed in my face as he spoke, and it smelt like something familiar. Something I was trying to forget.


Yay! An update! And it's fairly long too :D this took a little longer because I changed what I wanted to happen halfway through.

Please don't be mad at me for the drama going on between Calum and Nat, because Jason finally is out of the picture!!!!

Also, I feel horrible about what Cal said to Lukey after it had been so happy for him and Michael :( more will be revealed in the next few chapters ;)

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Thank you for the 2,000 reads as well!!! Means so much to me!! :D

Lots and lots and lots of love <3

The Author xxx

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