The Look Out

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Another schooling day passed, and I couldn’t wait again to show Calum what I had planned. I had spent the whole night dreaming about how perfect this was going to turn out, that is if everything went to plan. I skipped out of my last lesson, saying a good bye to Bee and Katy and then heading off to meet Calum. I walked along with a bounce in my step, feeling extremely happy to be able to see him again, and it scared me a little how happy I felt.

Walking past all of the other boys on my way to find Calum gained me a little more attention than I had wanted, but I guess it helped me getting Calum’s too. I found him standing by a tree and looking for me, and when our eyes connected, his grin was so wide, and he waved me over. As I was walking towards him, Calum tapped a blonde boy on the shoulder. He had been staring down at his phone, but looked up and me, his eyes growing in surprise.

“Told you I wasn’t making this up,” I heard Calum say to the boy. His response was to nod, but keep staring.

"Hey Cal!” I laughed, hugging him.

“Hey Nat,” he said. As he pulled away, the blonde boy stepped in.

“Hey, I’m Luke,” he said. I had to admit, he was your typical beach blonde, blue eyed hottie, and he knew it too. He gave me a smirk and stretched out his hand for me to shake. I took, but he then pressed a light kiss to the back of my hand.

“Uh,” I stammered in surprise. “Hi?” Calum gave Luke a ‘back off’ stare, before turning his attention back to me.

“You ready to go?” He asked.

“Yep, but the question is, are you?” I replied in a cocky voice.

“Knowing you, probably not,” he laughed.

“Aw, don’t tell me you two are leaving already,” Luke pouted.

“Alas Prince Charming, we are. We also will not be returning until tomorrow, so until we meet again, I bid you farewell,” I said bowing and walking backwards. There were a few whistles from the perverted boys who watched, but Calum and Luke just laughed at me before saying good bye to each other. Calum then joined me as I linked our arms together and skipped off to my planned fun.

We were walking and talking, but it was mainly Calum trying to figure out what we were doing today, and me telling him to wait and find out. After about a 20 minute walk, we were at McDonalds, and I told Calum to change and meet me at the playground because I had to change too. It was agreed to and then we went into the bathrooms. 

I was now in a black singlet that had ‘Wake The Dead’ written on it in bones, and my ripped jeans, finished off with my boots. Calum was in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black jeans and a grey beanie, finished with white converse. We met at the playground like planned and then I explained what we were going to do. I watched as his expression changed continuously, never settling on one emotion. By the end of my explanation, he had finally rested on nervous.

“Please tell me that’s not what we are doing?” He asked, a quiver in his voice because he was obviously not prepared for something like this.

“Of course this is what we are doing, it’s completely legal too. So what’s the problem?”

“You do know I have never done anything remotely attention seeking in my life right?” Calum asked me.

“Well I was kind of hoping you had done little things, but now that you’ve said that I know,” I replied.

“I can’t do this,” he whispered more to himself than me. “I really can’t do this.”

“Don’t be ridiculous of course you can! All you have to do, is run in behind the register and say hi to the workers. It’s not that bad,” I said.

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