Sneaking Away

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Once again, waking up in Calum’s arms could not be cherished for very long, as I had to go and throw up all that I had left in my stomach. Calum was already awake today, after sleeping in the afternoon and then falling asleep early last night, he was well over his hang over. He held my hair out of my face and rubbed my back while my stomach heaved and I cried. Once I was finished I slumped back onto Calum’s chest and sighed, feeling exhausted.

“There has to be something that stops this from being so bad,” not I, but Calum said.

“If there is, why do I not have any right this fucking minute?” I dryly stated. Calum kissed my hair and then helped me up off the floor, leading me to the kitchen so I could rid of the foul taste in my mouth. I poured a glass of water and sipped on that slowly. “Don’t you have school today?” I asked Calum, looking at the time and realising it was already past 10 o’clock.

“Nah,” Calum chuckled. “My mum came in to wake me up, but when she saw you there she just said I could have the day off,” he explained.

“Oh, but it’s getting close to exam week isn’t it?” I asked more urgently now.

“Nat, it’s ok, I don’t have important classes today, just relax,” Calum whispered as he stepped closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them gently. “I’m not going to fail my exams, all I’ve ever done was study, but even then I didn’t really get it, because I think I was looking too hard at what was supposed to make it work. But then I met you, and I took a break, and then I would come back with a fresh and open mind and things would make sense. You help me focus,” he rambled, kissing my cheeks.

“Stop lying, and come cuddle with me,” I laughed tiredly. Calum just shrugged and followed me into the lounge room where we put the television on and curled up together on the couch. I must have fallen asleep again because when I woke up my parents were at the door and Calum was talking quietly with them.

“I understand that you are trying to look after her, boy, but we are her parents and it’s time that she came home and spent time with us,” my father said in his usual harsh tone.

“With all due respect sir, if you really wanted to be there for her, wouldn’t it have made sense for one for you to be there with her while she was growing up? I mean, she’s doing fine here, and I did say that she should have gone home last night, but she chose to stay here. I wasn’t going to argue with her.” Calum replied in a calmed voice.

“Look here, we are her parents and she is going to come home right now whether she likes it or not, so move out of the way,” my father hissed. I heard a thud and could only guess that Calum had been pushed aside. I didn’t want to think about my father hurting Calum, but if I was to interfere things may have become even more out of control.

“She’s sleeping, can’t you just wait until she wakes up?” Calum asked him, following as my dad wandered through the house uninvited.

“No. She is coming home right now, so where is she?” my father yelled. Ok. I was definitely awake now. I quickly got off the couch and tried to flatten out my hair, then walked straight into my father without realising be was around the corner. “I thought you said she was sleeping!?” He growled at Calum.

“I was, dad. But your yelling woke me up,” I said tiredly. My father looked a little sceptical, but let it slide.

“Ok, Natalie, we are going home,” he said, taking hold of my arm.

“I need to grab my things from Calum’s room,” I lied, just wanting to say goodbye to Calum properly.

“Fine,” he sighed. He was extremely irritated about all of this, “You have five minutes.” With that, I hurried off to Calum’s room, and Calum followed close behind me.

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