Chapter five: Sadness and Depression

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Okay, sosojoyful helped me with some ideas for this chapter so I am giving a shoutout to her <3

Stop waisting time

~Natsu's POV~

I slammed the door to reveal the guild huddled at the door. I walked passed them. I can't believe they listened to Lucy and I entire conversa- Lucy...

I don't know what came over me but I was so angry, I burst open the guild doors and left.

I was walking down the road when I bumped into Erza.

"Hello Natsu." Erza greeted.

"Sup Erza" I tried acting relaxed but it didn't work.

"What's wrong? Is something bothering you??" She questioned worriedly.

"Everything's fine just gimme some space!! URGH" I pushed Erza and ran, like my life depended on it.

~Lucy's POV~

"What are you guys doing, listening to my conversation?!" I yelled, I stood up and marched out the guild doors in frustration.

As I was walking down the street I bumped into Erza and we started talking.

"Oh hey...Erza..." I said not trying to sound sad or anything that she wanted me out of the team...

"Is something wrong? Natsu seemed upset, did something happen?" She questioned.

"Yes actually.....I thought you don't care about me think I'm weak..."

"I would never! Wait...did that flame idiot kick you out of the team?! He mentioned it under his breath once but we all disagreed!!" She yelled disappointed in Natsu.

"He....and I....."

~I explained what happened, 20 minutes later of crying, comforting and coffee(nearby cafè)~

"Did you really disagree? He said you guys talked about it..." I said worried.

"Gray, Wendy, and I all disagreed this was his doing alone..." Erza said comforting me.

"I still can't believe that Lisanna would be that hurt, then purposely fall in the water. Wow..." Erza said still not believing.

"Well Erza I'll be home now, thank you for believing me. Gomenasai for taking up your free time." I said as I started to get down from my stool.

"No problem Lucy, if you need anything I'll be at the guild beating Natsu up. Goodbye." Erza said as she payed for my coffee.

This is a super short chapter but I will be updating again tomorrow!!

Another thanks to sosojoyful For helping me with ideas for th next few chapters!!

I do not own fairy tail!! Hiro Shima does!!

Alright Ginny.....OUT!!!!

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