Chapter Twenty Two: Guide It, Don't Force It

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~LUCY POV~Thinking~
~In bath~

I have been wondering about everything Acno told me about me and my family history. It doesn't add up. If i am the daughter of Zeref and Mavis that means that i would be family with the one and only freaking Zeref. I still haven't processed that.

If Laxus is my step-brother does that mean that he was adopted by Layla and Jude? Or is he biological. Then that still wouldn't add up with gramps and Laxus's father, Ivan Dreyar. Then again he might have been abandoned by Ivan and Layla and Jude took it in their hands. And again, i didn't grow up with him or even know of his existence until I joined Fairy Tail.

If they are, why didn't they tell me sooner or why didn't they tell me. If Layla and Jude knew about this i would have hoped that they told me. I know Layla would have said something mentioning that i was the daughter of the darkest mage known to any wizard, Zeref, who is a complete and utter idiot that easily forgets things.

Then there is Acnologia. If he is my brother how come we look nothing alike. How was i born so long ago and not remember a single thing about it. If Acno is my brother, how come he didn't come to me while i was growing up at my mansion. How come Acno stayed with Zeref and they both didn't find me. I know they where looking for me, but why?

Why couldn't they have found me sooner? Why would they just hit me with an avalanche of history? Why couldn't they have told me about it slowly and explained in detail how i got here? Why didn't they tell me about the history of Mavis and how they met and URGHG WHY?!!?

~Snaps out of daze~

I looked up to see Aliyah head first in my chest and her arms wrapped around me. I blinked a couple times realizing that i was still in the bath and the water is freezing. Aliyah is fully clothed and her hair is completely dry.

"W....What happened?" I asked moving her away from me.

Her face...She is crying...Yet she has a gentle smile wiping across her face.

"You stared off into space for hours and cried and cried and didn't stop till i hugged you." She replied with a gentle laugh and another gentle smile.

"So how long have you been hugging me exactly?" I asked with a gentle tone.

"Around 47 minutes and 39 seconds." Aliyah said with a shrug.


"Oh yeah, yeah!" Aliyah said panicking and running out of the bathroom.

I stood up slowly and grabbed a nearby towel being heated by a heating pad. I wrapped it around me and emptied the water out of the tub.

"Hm wonder if Acno or Zeref could explain what has been happening lately..." I mumbled while reaching for my undergarments.

I slipped them on and reached my for my skinny jeans. "Come on....!" I mumbled trying to get the skinny jeans up my huge thighs. URHG! THEY AREN'T COMING ON!!! "URHGHGHGH" I yelled, exhausted.

And then it hit me, i dropped my shirt outside...Frick.

I grabbed the towel and covered my chest with it and opened the door. I ran at top speed to get a shirt then went back into the bathroom and locked the door.

Acno was out there but he didn't notice a single thing, that is quite a relief.

I finished getting dressed then went directly to a nearby cafe with Aliyah and Acno.


"Okay Lucy, remember to guide it, not force it. It is a simple task but it may be hard for a simple human." Amaya said simply.

"I told you, i got it!" I said trying to guide the rainbow into a cup without shooting it through.

"You are making it to wide! Make it smaller! Try not to shoot it! DONT DO THAT!!" Amaya yelled commands loudly.

(A/N The following parts are gonna be crap grammar. And no talking.) **

I reached up and shot the rainbow straight into the cup without a single drop out of place. It shot straight through the bottom and through the table it was on.

I finished up the cup training and Amaya quickly taught me a very deadly move to either break a leg or take a life. It was a simple one. Forcing a mood change then shoot a small dagger of dark rainbow faster than light at the opponent.

I have tried this over 66 times and every single time it is too powerful. I have broken so many tables, chairs, brick walls, cement walls, wet cement paths, AND EVEN PEBBLES!!!

They decided i should have a 10vs1 match with 10 alicorns against me. 1 rule. Only use rainbow power and no killing.

It was a quick match, i won 30 to 0 in score. Every single alicorn had good power but it was less then 1% of my own.

~End of that crap haha~

"Okay Amaya, if i can beat you in a 1v1 match you can teach me a deadly move?" I asked, squinting my eyes at the pure white alicorn.

"Correct." She answered simply.

"Lets get started!!" I screeched with a huge smirk stretching across my face. "On three! One...Two...Three!!" Amaya shouted.

~Bad grammar again (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) ~

I screamed and launched my first attack, a spiral of a black rainbow straight at Amaya.

She quickly dodged and returned the same attack yet faster. I dodged with a few quick movements.

We did this for over 45 minutes before i won the fight with a final blow, mood change and multiple tiny droplets of spears.

~Lol over already, LEAVE CoMmEnTs~

Moving onto the deadly move, apparently she is suppose to teach me how to brutally torture someone without killing them completely. Disgusting, I know.

Okay I need to upload more, I know, I know, shut up. Jk love you guys for sticking with me for all this time. OMG WE GOT SO MANY READS OGMRGKWKGKE

Deep breath

I won't be updating for a long time, sadly. So please don't be angry at me, I'm not going to have wifi or connection of any kind.

Ginny out fam!

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