Chapter Twenty Seven: Sabertooth?

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OMFG I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE 5 MONTHS WTF IS WRONG WITH ME. Anyway. Taking requests for cute moments with guys for Lucy. The main ship is, of course, NaLu, but i am willing to make fluff with other ships.

( just so you know, Lucy's guild mark is still on her. She just moved it to her stomach, right under her boobs)

~~LUCY POV~~_(&%

We finally got back to real time and are now currently walking to Sabertooth to try and join.

"OOO I can't wait!!" Wendy yelled jumping onto my back. (Acno) Dad rolled his eyes and patted her back, "at least that's one of us."

"Oh come on Daddy, you could at least act the part of enthusiasm." I said sticking out my tongue.

{Just so the readers know, Zeref is currently staying at the pond swimming around with a rubber duck and arm floaties}

Acno holds up his hands in two peace signs and bends the two fingers up and down while saying "enthusiam"

"Wait, why did Zeref tell me to turn into a guy again?" I say, trying to think back.

"Its so we are strangers. Plus you turned me into a zodiac spirit so they don't see me." Wendy says excitedly, holding her key. (Image)

"YES, I can't believe I can make literally anyone into a key!" I say excitedly, bouncing on my toes.

Even tho, whenever I turn someone into a spirit, I get a lock tattoo on my stomach. But Wendy's lock looks like a heart with a key hole.

*Timeskip 3 minutes)

I sent Wendy into the spirit world and turned into a guy with Ali and Dad trailing behind me. Dad turned changed exceptionally: taller than me with gray/teal hair. Along with flat abs and a nice build. His face stayed the same though.

Ali is in her human form, with her extremely tight clothes. but still looking quite innocent, only being 5'.

I changed my outfit to long blue jeans with holes and a loose white shirt with a headband in my short hair.

I took off a couple of my limiters. Leaving around 50+ left on my arms. I raised my magic level up to 2%, which surprisingly, is alot.

"Ready?" I asked dad and Ali.

"Ready as we will ever be! Just try to make a small, quiet entrance." Ali said pumping a fist.

I tried to slowly open the Sabertooth doors but the doors ended up flying off the hinges once I touched the handle, landing on someone with blonde hair.

"Dang! This always happens, sorry Ali, I didn't make a small entrance!" I said, patting her head.

"Well, at least we got their attention, see mo-I mean Dad?" she said, pointing to everyone looking at us.

"Guess so!" I said with a half smile.

Sting moved the doors off of him and smiled cockily at me. "Well looky here mister 'super strong knocking of the door guy' you cant just burst in here and not expect a fight!" Sting said with Rogue popping up out of the shadows to look at me.

Without saying anything, I popped my arms up and turned my body to a fighting stance.

I stuck out my tongue and signaled for him to come at me.

He smiled with a cocky laugh. "You have made a big mistake challenging the twin dragons of Sabertooth!"

"uh-huh sure, just hurry up" Ali said waving her hand around, already bored of the situation.

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