●Chapter Twenty Six: Birthday!●

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I'll have you know that my laptop is currently being an ass so, as you know, I haven't updated in over a month, why? BECAUSE I TRIED TO, BUT MY FR3AKIMGN LAPTOP WILL NOT FREAKING LET ME BECAUSE THE FREAKING CHAPT3T GKITHCED AND NOW I'M STUCK WITH 0 VIEWS. THANKS LAPTOP.

-Lucy POV-

Alright alright alright. I snapped my fingers in the shape of an 'M' and quickly, my skin turned shiny, silver and hard, like metal. "Good good!" Acno complemented while clapping. He continued, "Now go run into that cloud made of glass and see if you can run through it without getting cut."

"Yes sir, Dad" I said with a wink.

Dashing into the cloud, i went straight to the other side like it was nothing.

"MMMH, That's my girl" Acn~Dad, said. "haha" I laughed while holding up a peace sign.

"Alright, I have currently learned every dragon/angel/speed/demon/whatever the others are slaying magic, rainbows, flying, galaxy slaying, flower, time magic(stopping time, going back in time and future etc.), invisibility, how to get wings, how to change into a boy or any animal, how to limit my powers with bracelets (currently is wearing over 30+), dark magic, forgotten, and forbidden, annnnddddd the list goes on.." I said looking exhausted, "Can I go back to my guild now?"

My father along with everyone else, including Aliyah, Zeref, and Wendy looked at me with faces that agreed. "hmm, well, maybe. How about we join Sabertooth? They are always looking for strong members, and we are obviously capable. Even tho Zeref won't tag along." Wendy said with a smirk.

"I am down for it!" Acno said with a huge goofy grin.

"aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~choo!~" Ali sneezed cutely. "aweee you sound like a kitten!!" I cooed. She smiled and replied, " I'm not gonna be a kitten anymore, my birthday is in......maybe today....i think!"


"Hmmmm.....I want enough magic to age up to look like you!" She said with a wide smirk.

"Granted." I said building the magic power in my hand and slowly seeping it into her.

She started to glow and her legs started getting longer, along with her hair and arms. Her breasts got about my size, maybe smaller. She was still shorter than me, but her outfit was oddly small. (MEDIA)

"OH MA GAWD, YOU ARE SO PRETTY!" I screamed. She smiled at herself and waved at Acno....he got a nosebleed...

"Control yourself, dad...." I said disappointed in my father.

He screeched a small laugh and swiftly wiped it away. "So, uhm, how about w-we uhm, head out? T-to Sabertooth?" He said nervously looking at Ali's cleavage.

I brought up my finger and swooped it down, making him go six feet under. "Control your mouth, you perv." I said disgusted.


My mind always somehow wonders back to Natsu and the guild, no matter what I am doing.

~Natsu POV~

"I'll say this now, I miss Luce. And what I did was wrong." I said looking at my feet, still confused about what happened.

Levy stood up and stared me right in the eye, with tears streaming down her face, "Natsu don't give me that shit about how you miss her, you drove her out. My best friend is gone because of you."

She was right. Luce, just come back. You have only left for about 15 minutes, but I need you back. The guild doesn't feel right.

"Im sorry Natsu, what i said was wrong, everyone misses her already. We shouldn't fight about her now." Levy said wiping away her remaining tears. While Gajeel glared the most demonic glare I have ever seen.

But I was too busy thinking about Luce to care about Gajeel.

Just come back!

HAHAHHAHAHAH I UPDATED FINALLY, i know its short but ya'll just gotta deal, ight? but hey, if you need an explanation about lucy's family, here it is.

way back when, acnologia and Anna had a child named Lucy-Lucy heartfilia. Anna couldn't care for a baby so she hid her under the Heartfilia mantion inside a crystal, with a note for the next upon the next heir~Layla, the only one who found Lucy. Layla took her in with Jude's brother's son, Laxus, and jude's dad, Makarov. And Jude's other brother, the head of sabertooth.


Lol, ginny out~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XD RAWR RAWR EMO

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