Chapter Twenty Four: Well Look At that!

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Well look at that im ending the book.

haha jk lovelies.

no, seriously i might delete this. anyway on with the chapter

~LUCY POV~( still )

We decided that our best option was to stay with the alicorns. I mean, c'mon they are magical freakin' creatures, who wouldn't? The training begun with the ability to change genders and change any part of my body to any type of element. (A/N like water, mist, steel, dark matter, air, literally nothing, ect ) I was practicing water at the moment. "UrGh!" I exclaimed un-happily. "C'mon sweet heart you can do better than that! So what if you can only use rainbow as a weapon, still use it correctly while gliding around as mist." Zeref said, staring me down with Acno in the background grinning like a mad man playing with Wendy and Aliyah.

~Gildarts POV~

OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOHOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I MADE IT TO THE GUILD!!!! HELL YEAH!! OH MY LORDY THAT TOOK FOREVER I AM SO TIRED AND SO FREAKING ANNOYED!!! WHO THE HELL DID THIS "URGHGHGHGH" I YELLED. (freakin cap lock 4 lyfe) Well time to figure out whats going on, i said while slowly strolling to Gramp's office and picking up a neatly folded letter that was on the floor. Water was drenched on it, guessing he spilled something on it haha clumsy old guy...

(A/N poor old guy's tears drenched the letter ;-;)

Unfolding it sloppily, I started to read the neatly written letters. It was signed by Lucy Heartfilia. Wait wait wait wait HOLD UP, the hot blonde chick is gone?! God dammit! She was nice too...but mostly just hot...i mean who could deny it hehehe....yeahhhhhh, shit. Better go look for her, sigh.

~Lucy POV~

Wow okay changing into a boy is more awkward than it sounds.

"Do i really need to learn this Zer-Zer?" I said to Zeref with a wide blush crossing across my cheeks. "Yes, Lu-Lu I know for sure this WILL come into handy someday. Do you doubt your father?" He exaggerated the 'father' part with a wide smirk. Slashing my hands in opposite directions with my hands spread i brought them back behind my back and shrunk my breasts while making my hair a shorter length. Bringing my arms in the air and groaning, I made my legs longer and skinnier while slowing growing bigger muscles and abs. I soon relaxed and straightened my posture. My physique similar to Natsu's yet smaller, and my hair was brought back by a headband and soon stopping at the bottom of my ears. I smiled with my success, "I do doubt you, comparing that you lied to me and pretty much forced me to learn different magics. Plus i look like a complete guy....Also my face looks surprisingly the same, yet with shorter eye lashes?"

"Oh come on now, dont expect me to waste those beautiful features you have there!" Acno said with a smirk, changing in to a grown man with long crystal blue yet silver hair. He had tattoos all over his arms and a long black cape. (A/N look at dat media)

"Okay who the frick are you mister?!" i shouted. "oh Lucy, this is the true me, Zeref wanted me to hide while you still thought we were siblings haha...yeah" he replied with a small smirk that he tried to hide while scratching the back of his neck. He knew of how much power i have, he knows i can kill him any second of the day. He still treats me like i was part of his family. "Oh Acnoooo~~ you look so much better like this! You should stay like this, but can you let me do your hair? Its really long and silky..." I said while running my hand through his long, un-tangled hair. "Of course~!" He replied with a sheepish smile. "Yay!!" I grabbed some hair ties out of my pocket and took a nearby hair brush and immediately started.

~Acnologia POV~

I can't believe Zeref lied to her so many times...he even lied about me being her brother when none of that is true....

I am actually her father.

OH SNAP LOOK AT THAT OH SHOOT FRICK OMFG. Well hey guys how u doing? I decided that I will end the book in a couple more chapters, a couple meaning atleast 10....i have a ton planned u guys have no idea omg.....and i plan on making two books based on this heheheheeeeeeeee.............................gimme more ideas for the future of this book!! and leave a ton more comments! Love all of you guys who wait for these really sucky chapters!

GINNY OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1111!!1111!!!!111!111!11!!!111!!11!!11''~~~~~'~~''1!1111!~~~~'!

Lucy and Wendy's Remarkable RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora