●Chapter Eighteen: Beautiful flowers●

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(The next morning)

"Just because you got wings doesn't im going to respect you!" Oh lord queen bee Joy stated puffing her cheeks.

"Oh okay i take much offense over that statement! Oh mighty queen bee, Joy." i said giving a glare to the fairy queen.

Just as i finished my sentence a girl came up behind me, she had messy hair, a sweatshirt , some sweatpants, and she speaks! "u-uhm n-nice w-w-w-ing-gs y-you h-have h-haha" she stuttered nervously.

"oh thanks, whats your name??" i asked with a kind smile.

"My name is S-Shirley." she said, yet the queen interupted, "Her name is shoeless, now get me some tea. I made you my assistant for a reason >=("

"Uh queen, Shirley here looks parched, you should give her water before you boss her around." i stated giving a glare to Joy.

"haha its okay miss, i am fine o-on my o-own." she said as she was about to pass out.

"Here, WATER DRAGON........

ball. there you go" i said as a ball of water appeared floating above my hand and let her drink.

"thank you.....?" Shirley asked.

"Oh my name is Lucy, sorry i forgot to tell you!" i said giving a nice small smile.

Shirley is a nice girl and very pretty yet being treated like poo.

"SIS HOW DID TRAINING G- HOLY CRAP HOW DID YOU GET THOSE WINGS!??!?!?!" Acno said running up to me with Aliyah.

"Yeah mommy, did you succeed with your training?"Aliyah said giving a smile as she came up to me and played with my wings that are now small, white,and blue.

"I got them after a long nights work..Sweetie how about you wait over with uncle Acno while i finish some more training! I might even show you some flower magic!" i said with a nice smile.

"Yes mama! I cant wait!!" she said excitedly skipping away. Her ombre hair swayed back and forth every step her tiny foot took.

The ground started to shake beside me and a very dusty Flora came about, " now shall we start?" she asked with a creepy smile.

"uhm sure..but why did u just come out of the ground?" i replied with a small giggle.

"whatever just lets start....!" replied an ticked off Flora.

"alright alright, what is the first step?" i asked.

She moved her finger and whispered something then i heard something rip and it suddenly got really cold...hm.

Flora had an evil smirk while my brother was laughing his ass off.

I looked down to find my dress ripped to shreds...and me....with no clothes...except my undergarments...

"Put this on" Flora said giving me a crop top with 2 angel wings and a heart, with black booty shorts and some bracelets.

I put them all on while smacking my brothers head with some magma, he ran around trying to put out the fire that started on the top of his head.

"You didnt have to do that!!" He yelled, pissed.

"Yes i did" i said turning around.

"So how do they fit??" Flora asked.

I gave a small thumbs up, looking bored. (Media)

"Next i want you to become one with the earth as if you where the green inside of the plants. As if you are the protein it needs to survive....you are the sun that makes them grow..now imagine yourself being grown into a huge sunflower shining brightly across the land." Flora said closing her eyes.

I did as she said and the bracelets started glowing a bright yellow color with blinding white spots.

1 Hour of sun later

I moved my finger in multiple different directions to make a huge chrysanthemum appeared.

I moved my finger in opposite directions to make a huge red rose appear next to the chrysanthemum.

I moved my finger in a couple small movements: up, down, side to side, down, up, and sideways, to make a small arrangement of multiple different tropical flowers.

They are going to be a perfect present for Aliyah. "Thank you for teaching me Flora! It was a lot of fun and atleast i can make easy gifts now, haha!" i said with a smile.

"You where very easy to teach, Lucy. You learn fast and that speed magic is very useful for this kind of magic, you can easily make thorns and different flowers bright enough to blind the enemy for multiple minutes! You now know all the magic i know, and im pretty sure you made up some...right?" Flora replied with a smile.

"Sure did! Anyway, thanks a ton, but im going to get back to Oh Miss Lord Of All Fairies Bye Bye!!" I replied.

"Dont let her kill ya'!" she replied then disappeared down in the ground.


I thank you all for 2k+ reads and all your comments, and ill try to update as soon as possible.


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