Chapter Seven: Leaving

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>Lucy POV<

I woke up to see Wendy crying over my body...

"LULU?! ARE YOU OKAY?! TALK TO ME!" Wendy wailed.

"I'm okay Wendy, I'm alright." I said trying to calm her down.
"I healed your broken bones but you should be alright!" She said trying to reassure me.

"What's all that fighting coming from?" I said as a blast of fighting and screaming came from some doors...that are....barricaded?

"After we dragged you out Mira and Erza barricaded the doors and are fighting the guild right now." She said still crying.

The things that happened went back into my mind...I forgot about what happened.

"Wendy please give me some paper and a pen." I said trying to move, I just realized we are in the infirmary.

"Uhm...okay.. Let me find some." Wendy said as she dug through some drawers.

~timeskip, 5 minutes~

"I'm leaving the guild...I don't want to the guild to turn just because I came..."I whispered but Wendy could hear because of her dragon slaying magic.

"WHAT?!?" She yelled...again.

"You heard me, I'm gonna write some letters. So please give these to master okay?" I said.

I'm leaving, this is it. This is how it's gonna end.

"IM COMING WITH YOU!" Wendy screamed.

"You cant, I'm sorry." I said. I don't want her to come with me. Not about what's gonna happen.

"I don't care!! I'm coming with you! I'm not gonna let you, leave me. You're my sister, and sisters stay together no matter what! I'm coming with you and that's final!!"she yelled, she was very serious.

"Okay, meet me at the pond in 2 hours."
I said.

She'll get there after what's gonna happen...ill just have to wait...

~timeskip, after the writing session~

"Summon thee, Virgo the maiden! Come to my side at once!" I yelled as a door bell sound and POOF Virgo appeared.

"Punishment princess?" She questioned.

"No Virgo, I would like you to carry my to my apartment please." I said and she picked me up bridal style.

"Here Wendy, I didn't make you a letter but I'll see you later." I said as I handed a stack of papers to Wendy.

>Master's POV<

It was a normal day, fighting outside and my dirty books kept me company ;).

BOOM my doors burst open to reveal Wendy. I threw my book out the window and asked, "What is it you bratty child?!"
"ITS LUCY! AND THE GUILD!!" She said out of breath.

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