Sixth memory: Waking up.

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Everyone was still in shock but the next thing started.

"Darkness. That's the first thing I remember. It was dark and it was cold, and I was scared."

"Woah, we can hear your thoughts this time!" Bunny said, rubbing his ears.

"That's because it's the only thoughts I had at the time." Jack said miserably.

The moonlight showed Jack and how he looked now. He had bright blue eyes and white hair. He was slowly entering the surface, confused as he did. The ice above him cracking like spider webs.

Once above the lake, he looked around confused.

"But then I saw the moon. It was so big and it was so bright, and it seemed to chase the darkness away. And when it did... I wasnt scared anymore." Jack was placed on the ice, it was closing the closer he got. Once barefooted, he was confused.

"Why I was there, and what I was meant to do- that I've never known. And a part of me wonders if I ever will." Jack carefully walked around the lake, slipping a few times until he steps on a staff. The staff glowed to his touch. He chuckled when he picked it up. The ground froze around him, making him smile like an idiot. He runs and touches a trunk to see the swirling ice patterns that form. He was struck in awe as he froze the whole place. Freezing everything until a gust of wind picks him up and he is thrown in the air. He smiles and sees a town up ahead after he runs into a tree. Jack flew towards the village. When he landed retarded and almost broke his neck. Jack saw some townsfolks and he smiled.

"Hello. Hello. Good evening." He said to everyone who passed by. He chuckled, but then noticed no one was paying attention to him. "Ma'am?" He asked.

That's when he saw a little boy running. "Anthony! Stop running!"

"Oh hey! Can you please tell me where I am?" And then the unexpected happened. The boy ran right passed him. Jack gasped, standing up and noticed everyone was going through him.

"Hello! Hello!" But no one payed attention.

"Kozmotis, come on. It's time to go inside." A girl said. Jack looked up to see a man who looked so crushed and a woman trying desperately to bring him in. Jack sighed and walked away from the town.

"My name is Jack Frost, how do I know that? The moon told me so. But that's all he ever told me. And that was a long. Long time ago."

That's when the vision ended, leaving all of them breathless.

"You... You died and became a spirit? No one that I've ever heard of did that." Bunny said.

"I know. People keep telling me that." Jack said.

"Did anyone else notice Pitch?" North asked.

"Yeah, he looked torn up, but I never knew who he was. I was memoryless." Jack explained.

"I'm sorry Jack. I wish I knew about your memories earlier. We could have helped you." Tooth said.

"Thanks." Jack said.

That's when the vision started, silencing all of them. They instantly saw that it was modern day.

Jack landed on the building, laughing away like an idiot. "Now that, that was fun." He said. "Wind! Take me home!" He shouted and the wind obeyed, taking him through the sky. He was instantly sent to a place they all knew. Burgess.

Jack laughed and shot down towards them. "Snow day!!" Jack squealed, freezing everything he passed. He froze streets and made a guy trip with all of his groceries. He just laughed and continued until they say Jamie.

"Woah, is that a good book?" Jack asks when it lands a few feet away from Jamie.

He fixed his stuff and rushed forward. Two twins appeared at his side which The guardians knew instantly. They continued like this as they walked into Jamies yard. All of Jaimes friends(at the time) walked in as well, talking of Bigfoot and whatnot.

"Yeah and the Easter Bunny." One of the twins joked.

"The Easter Bunny is real."

"Oh he's real alright, real annoying and reeeally full of himself." Jack smirks, resting his hands on his staff.

"Hang on, you made fun of me before you even joined us?" Bunny asks.

Jack's cheeks redened, shrugging it off. "Well it was true. It is still true, kangaroo." Jack smirks, causing Bunny to glare until the memory conitnued.

Now it was on a road, Jack was staring at Jaime and Sophie as they talked about Jack freezing a path for him and him loosing a tooth. The window started to freeze, causing the poor teenager to choke on a lump in his throat. He glared at the ice and threw himself back onto the roof, looking up at the moon.

"If there's something I'm doing wrong, can you, can you just tell me what it is?" Jack begged, leaning on his staff. The moon didn't respond.

"Because I've tried everything, and no one ever sees me."

Yet again, there was no response.

"You put me here, the least you can do is tell me, tell me why."

A beat passes by. The Moon shined silently down. Jack turns away in frustration, leaping off the roof, onto a telephone pole, and began to walk across some wires. A stream of Dreamsand suddenly zips by behind him, then another, which swoops around in front of him. Jack turns and looked up, a smile on his lips.

"Right on time, Sandman." Jack chuckles and starts playing with the sand. That's when the memory started to fade.

"Why is it fading?" Bunny asks.

Jack shrugged. "My mind is indecisive about it. Who knows what is coming next." Jack says, but he hoped that nothing with Pitch was coming up next.

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