A Blissful Kiss

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Jack stared at the small suitcase in Pitch's hand before lifting a brow at him. "Why did you pack so little?" Jack asked.

  Pitch looked down at him, an unreadable expression on his face. "Unlike those guardians, I don't have a lot of stuff." He explained. "Now let's get out of here."

  Jack nodded, going to walk out the front door, but the hood of his hoodie was grabbed, stopping him. Jack looked over, a bit confused. "The guardians are in this area. It'd be best to travel with my nightmare sand." Pitch explained.

  Jack beamed. "You can use your sand to travel?!" Jack nearly screeched. "I just keep uncovering the coolest things!" Jack explained. "How does it work?"

  Pitch smirked, holding out his hand towards Jack. Jack looked a little shocked about this gesture but instead of questioning it, he gladly took his hand. He didn't expect to be shoved back into Pitch's chest as Pitch held onto him with one hand. Jack exploded into blushes, as he watched the black sand slowly snake up from the ground and wrap around them.

  Jack looked over at the door, and his body seemed to go stiff. He could have sworn he saw Bunnys eyes, but they were gone in a flash as the sand engulfed them in darkness. Jack closed his eyes  holding onto Pitch's jacket harder.

  The darkness only lasted for a short period. "Jack, you can open your eyes." Pitch said. Jack slowly opened his eyes. He was surprised to see the sun high in the sky, the world around them being lit up by its beautiful pastel array. On Jack's right was a lake that looked as if it hadn't been touched in years. On his left was a thick line of trees that seemed to be untouched by man. Jack slowly stepped away from Pitch, walking over to the lake.

  "What? Where is this place?" He asked, looking back at Pitch.

  Pitch walked over to a tree, pressing a palm to it. "It was a place I came to once before when I was with my daughter. She loved this place and called it her secret hideout." He turned to face Jack. "Now I want you to share it with me." He said.

  Jack let a smile invade his features, beaming brightly over at Pitch. "It would be a pleasure. This place is much better than where I was going to suggest." He walked over to Pitch, hands behind his back. "This place the guardians will never find." Jack smirked.

  Pitch let his features soften, looking up at the sky. "I hope so..." He said in a low whisper, lower than Jack could catch.


Back with the guardians, Bunny was fuming around the North palace, angry. They almost had Jack, but Pitch stole him away before they could catch them.

  "We were so close." Bunny said, tapping his foot.

  Tooth was no longer floating  instead she was sitting sadly on a chair. "We tried. Pitch just got to him first." She said.

  "There's no way they would just leave that place for good. Pitch has to keep Jack in a prison cell. Where would they run to where Pitch has that control on him?" Bunny asked.

  Tooth thought back at Jack and how he looked, suddenly getting a thought that sickened her. "You don't think... Jack went with him... out of his own will do you?" She asked.

  North jumped up at this point, his face contorted into anger. "That's vhat I was thinking. Jack vas uninjured and clung to Pitch. He looked right at Bunny and still continued." North explained.

  Bunny glared at the floor. "I refuse to believe that show pony is with Pitch. He is being manipulated. We have to get him back before something happens." Bunny explained.

  "And how do we do that? They could be anywhere." Tooth says, fluttering towards the globe, looking over it.

  "We search places from Jacks past. They must be there somewhere. If not, we search Pitch's dreams. You still have his tube right, Tooth?" Bunny asked.

  Tooth seemed to smile in determination, getting what he was saying. "I do. It's locked away somewhere special." She was now getting excited, glad she could help.

  "Brilliant idea!" North shouted, hugging Bunny before letting him down. "Where do we begin?!"

  Sandy floated forward, showing symbols above his head. Bunny  nodded. "Let's try there first." He turned to the others. "The first place Jack and Pitch met."


  Jack was watching the fish stay in one place, every once in a while it would move slightly, but other than that it stayed put. He heard someone behind him, making his head turn to see Pitch, still examining the area for a good place to make a house. Jack chuckled, seeing Pitch look almost like a normal human being as he was measuring things out. Jack would even go so far as to say he looked cute.

  Standing up, Jack made his way over to Pitch. Sneaking up, he quickly wrapped his arms around Pitch, burying his face in Pitch's back. Pitch looked over his shoulder at Jack.

  "What are you doing?" Pitch asked, hesitantly, he placed his arms on top of Jack's.

  Jack blushed. "I'm happy we are alone." He said, peaking his head up to Pitch.

  The sun was slowly setting as they stood, hand in hand by the lake. Pitch turned around to face Jack, but Jack's arms didnt drop, instead they clung to him as if he was going to disappear.

  "I'm glad we are as well." He reached up and cupped Jack's cheeks in his own hands, a genuine, tired smile appearing on his face. "It made me happy when you chose me instead of the Guardians. It also made me happy that you didnt hate me after all I've done to you." Pitch explained in a low whisper.

  Jack beamed at Pitch and did something out of happiness. Leaning up, practically on his tippy toes he smacked his lips to Pitch's. Sparks seemed to fly around Jack as he pressed harder.

  Pitch was surprised at first, but even his eyes started to close, deepening the kiss. His stomach flipped. It has been so long since hes felt a connection like this and he didnt want to let it go.

  Jack pulled back, his breathing labored as he looked up at Pitch who was smiling. "I-im sorry... I couldn't help it. I didnt mean to show you that side of me." Jack whispered, looking away.

  Pitch ran a hand through Jack's hair, putting his hair behind his ear. "I didnt mind it." He whispered back. "Mind showing me it again?" He asked.

  Jack snapped his eyes back to Pitch, seeing he was serious. Jack nodded, his eyes fluttering closed as he kissed him once again.

  This was like a dream for him and he hopes it lasts longer than last time. His whole life was starting to become normal and it's all thanks to the man in front of him. He didnt have to hide feelings or feel like he was there to impress. He was just simply happy.

  And that was all he could ask for.

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