Names and More Surprises

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*A Month Later*

Jack has been getting moodier lately while his stomach kept growing. He was quite big now, despite only being a at the North Palace for a month. Pitch has been taking care of him, getting him everything he requests. The Guardians haven't been around lately, busy with the upcoming holidays. Bunny hasn't been around at all, not trusting himself to be around Pitch. He still didn't trust him and was afraid he'd do soemthing regrettable if he remained.

Jack understood and so did Pitch. Currently they have been sitting in bed for hours, rubbing Jacks stomach and deciding on names.

"What about for a boy... Moses? Maybe Anthony?" Jack explains.

Pitch made a face. "Anthony is an absolute no."

Jack chuckled. "Ethan? Jeremy? Oh! What about Varen?

Pitch shrugs making an approving nod. "Varen is a good name for a boy. What about a girl?"

"Jacklyn? Janessa? Ooh what about Emily? Or maybe Alexis?!"

"Lunaya?" Pitch says.

Jack's smile widened, turning his head to Pitch. "I love that name!"

Pitch wrapped his arms around Jack, holding him close. Jack nuzzles his head in the crook of Pitch's neck. "What powers are you hoping for if he does have some?"

Jack shrugged. "Something unique. I can see them having a mix of both of us or perhaps shadows? Who knows. Theres endless possibilities." Jack explained.

Pitch let a sad look creep into his face that Jack caught. He knitted his eyebrows, lifting his head so that he could see Pitch's face clearly. "Whats wrong?"

Pitch sighed. "Our child will be mixed with good and evil intentions. I may be changed, but deep down, I'm still evil. What if our child goes down the same path I did?" He asked.

Jack reached up and grabbed Pitchs cheek. "He won't. We will be there to guide him. He won't go down the path you did. He won't do wrong. He will make mistakes yes, but he will have us there to guide him." Jack explained.

Pitched lifted a brow. "'He?'" Pitch asked.

Jack shrugged. "I have a feeling they are going to be a he." Jack says, smirking.

Pitch rolled his eyes. "Lets get out of bed and get you into a bath, shall we?" Pitch started to get out of bed, but Jack stopped him.

"Arent baths bad for when you are pregnant?" Jack asked.

Pitch shook his head. "Not necessarily. As long as the water is luke warm you should be fine. Shall we?" Pitch asked, standing to his feet, he held out a hand. Jack used wind to hover himself up, grabbing hold of Pitchs hand. He closed his hand around his, allowing Pitch to take him towards the bath. Jack placed a hand on his stomach, the bump increasingly big now. Not to the point it was overwhelming yet but he could feel he started to have the waddle hes seen pregnant women have. He was glad most of the time he has wind to help him fly around.

As he got to the bathroom, suddenly he felta harsh kick in the back... And the front. He stopped, startling Pitch who nearly bumped into him. "Whats wrong, Love?" He asked.

Jack turned around to him, pale yet again. "I... I felt a kick." He said.

Pitch nodded. "Yeah, that is normal." He says.

Jack shook his head. "No I mean... I felt a kick in the front and the back. Unless our child is hella flexible with those legs I think.... I think I may be... uhm... having twins." Jack finally said it, doubling over with a small panic attack.

Pitch's eyes went wide as he shot both hands to Jack's stomach, trying to confirm what he Jack had said. Using his sand, he tried to see if he could feel how many were in the stomach. They sat there in concentrated Silence as Pitch remained checking.

After about 5 minutes, Pitch finally felt what he was looking for. Heartbeats. 2 small heartbeats. He pulled his hands away, smiling like an idiot, looking up at a confused Jack.

"Well?" He asked.

Pitch reached forward and engulfed Jack in a hug. "I felt it! Two heartbeats! You are having twins, honey!"

Jack laughed, shocked but happy at the news. They continued to cling to eachother, happily squealing in the bathroom. Jack pulled away, holding Pitch's forearms. "We have to tell the others!"

Pitch nodded. "We will, but first you need to take a bath. I'll get it ready. You undress." He ordered, walking iver to the bath. Jack undressed, watching with a happy smile as Pitch made the lukewarm bubble bath. Pitch turned to Jack, smiling.

"You look so beautiful." He says, taking in the naked figure of Jack, who was grabbing his stomach in delight. Jack blushed, shoving Pitch by the shoulder. Pitch helped to lower him into the bath.

Jack and Pitch remained sitting next to eachother as Jack washed himself. "With the news of twins, are you hoping for two boys or two girls?" Jack finally asked, breaking the silence.

Pitch chuckled, twirling his ring as he leaned against the wall. "A boy and a girl." He says. Turning his eyes to look into Jack's beautiful blue ones. "Varen and Lunaya. That is what I want." He says.

Jack smiled, reaching a soap covered hand out to grab Pitch's. "I love you."

Pitch got onto his knees, bending over to kiss Jack on the lips. "I love you too." He breathed.

They shared another kiss before Jack focused on cleaning himself. Once Jack was done in the bath, he felt revitalized dressed in a white t-shirt and maternity skinny jeans meant for females. Pitch said they accentuated his ass which Jack felt accomplished for.

As they made their way out to the livingroom, Jack was surprised to see all the guardians were there, obviously still in work mode. Tooth noticed them first and smiled.

"Jack! How are you feeling?" She asked, immediately her eyes landed on his belly.

Jack gulped. "Im feeling fine, but uhm... I have something to tell you guys."

All the guardians turned to face him, giving Jack their full attention. He placed his hand on his stomach while the other gripped Pitch's hand.

"What?" Tooth asked impatiently.

"It uhm... came to our attention earlier that we are uhm... we are expecting twins." He says.

There was a stunned silence, before a chorus of "What?!" Echoed the room.

A/N: so uhm.... *coughs* I'm alive and updated! Hoping to have another chapter out friday! Enjoy this chapter! Sorry it took so long!

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