Chapter 7 - Meeting Her

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Chapter 7- Meeting Her

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."

-Issac Asimov


Tha-thump tha-thump tha-thump

The sound of Jason's heartbeat echoed in his ears after seeing his sister after 10 years of her supposed death. His eyes met her's, he recognized the irises.

Emily however was obliviously fangirling to herself after seeing them lock eyes. Love at first sight! She squealed in her head. Ishipitishipitishipitishipitishipit

Lyndsy's eyes widened and her eyes almost watered. Almost.

As if a light switch had flipped, memories rushed into her head. She remembered her older brother pushing her on a swing and defending her from bullies.

"You know, Jay, you didn't have to hurt him for me." Six-year-old Lyndsy said to her older brother by four years who was pushing her on the swing. "I can defend myself."

"L, I have to, you're my little sister." Jason answered as if it were obvious. She turned to him and raised her eyebrow. She then turned back around to see the scenery of their backyard.

"But why Ryan? He's nice." She wondered aloud and tilted her head while turning her head to look back at him, again.

"Because I would never punch a seven year old. But, that'll teach Ryan and that little twat not to mess you or me." He said angrily, but didn't push her too hard. "Besides, Ryan isn't that nice."

Lyndsy shrugged and continued to pretend that she was flying. While she was doing that, Jason was reminiscing about his talk with his grandfather about Lyndsy.

"Hey Jay," Lyndsy asked while they were walking, "hehe, that rhymed, sorry, but where's Mark?" Jason then looked next to him to see his little sister, he noticed her shivering despite her light jacket the weather was colder than anticipated, so, he gave her his.

It was one of their rare sibling bonding moments.

"He's going to be away for a few months." Replied Jason.

"But when?" She asked, wondering when her second brother-like figure would be back from a cruise with his family.

"Soon, Lyndsy. He'll be back."

Without a second thought she flung herself at him, not caring if he was just a guy with an uncanny resemblance to her brother.

In shock, Jason wrapped his arms around Lyndsy's waist.

A sob threatened to escape her's lips, but she held it in. However, a lone tear escaped her eye. Jason savored the moment and held her closer.

Everyone stared at the two in confusion and shock to why the two were in an emotional embrace. Lyndsy was a known loner and many knew her cold, emotionless exterior.

Maria cleared her throat, removing Lyndsy from memory lane and her hug from Jason. She awkwardly wiped the tear from her cheek. Maria gave a look asking what was going on.

She pulled the two over to a secluded corner for privacy, leaving the other teenagers to gossip amongst themselves.

"What the hell?" Lyndsy started, "I mean, where the hell have you been?!" She said and punched his arm.

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