Chapter 16- Meredith Harper

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Chapter 16- Meredith Harper

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. 

-Theodore Roosevelt


The moment I woke up, flashbacks of a scared little girl came to my mind as I sat in the dreary blank room. White walls, white clothing, and white objects; I couldn't take it. A memory of me sitting in a scarily similar room came to me, causing my body to tense up and my eyes to widen.

I remember feeling numb, then when the news finally crashed down on me that I was an orphan, that I was never going to see my family ever again, a flood of emotions rushed through me in a wave of sorrow, shock, and denial. It broke down every wall I made, then created new ones; ones that could handle much more than a the emotional tsunami that conquered every inch of my body.

In the moment that I sat there, I waited for the news to come to me. Something earth-shattering, something shock inducing, something I could never recover from.

Perhaps someone was coming towards me, waiting to tell me the news that this was all a dream, an illusion. Maybe was in a accident in the bus that took us here, maybe I was still Lyndsy Arscott- the little girl that had a perfect family and perfect life. But I knew, it was far from that. I could never go back to that life of innocence, of hope.

As I sat, contemplating life, I could hear the door click and the handle start to move. In came the familiarly handsome face of Ryder Wilde, with the same emotionless, blank, frustrating face.


Morris, the name tag read. Big, brown doe eyes stared at the man in the doctor's coat . Her eyes showed nothing but the numbness she felt inside.

"Hello Lyndsy, I have some bad news for you."


Snapping back to reality with a sharp intake of a breath, I realized that he was staring at me with cold calculating eyes, I knew that look before.

"What?" I asked, breaking the silence with my scratchy throat and croaky voice. Minor hostility was present in my tone but I tried to keep it even and blank.

"Nothing." He replied. With long strides, he walked over to the corner of the room containing what presumed to me, water. He turned his back, back to me, with a cup of water in his hand. "Thirsty?" I suspiciously stare him down before replying.

"Very." I said and took the water out of his hand then gulped it down. It helped to soothe my sore throat, but nothing to help the nerves that was building in my stomach.

"What happened?" I asked finally. He didn't skip a beat when he replied causing my suspicions to rise.

"My agency didn't know about you, so they took us in."

"Your agency?" I questioned, "The one that is supposed to be all powerful, didn't know about me?"

"You were just. . .concealed suspiciously well." He answered.

"Sure." I said and began to get up. "What now? What do they plan on doing?"

"I don't know," He replied after a pause,"they might keep you here or let you out after they asses that you are not a threat."

"And if I am a threat?"

"You'll have to see to find out." He said.

"Fine then, take me to her, or him, or whoever is in charge." I tiredly demanded. I didn't want to spend time waiting for some higher up official to see if I was a threat. I wanted to see my brother, Emily, or someone who was not involved in this government business.

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