chapter 4

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Ben's POV:

Me and Mal meet up with the others and make our way to the field to meet Doug and Evie. We get to the field to see Doug and Evie sitting in the bleachers. Doug had his arm around Evie's waist and Evie had her head on doug's shoulder. Mal snaps a pic and posts it to instagram with the caption #SOCUTE. She also tagged Evie and Doug. Across the field I see Evie sit up and pull her phone out of her pocket. She and Doug look at the picture on their phones. They start to laugh. I see Evie and Doug type on their phones. Mal's phone goes off with 2 notifications. I look at her phone to see that Evie and Doug have posted the same comment. Karma is real Mal. Mal smirks as Evie and Doug make their way to the group. Doug once again has his arm around Evie's waist. They looked so happy together. " So guys. Shall we go eat, my treat?" I say. Everyone nods and we make our way to my castle. We walk into the great hall and sit down. The servers come out with drinks. Sprite and water. Then they come out with dinner. Boneless fried chicken wings and french fries. " Yum." Mal says. I wave one of the servants over to me. " Yes your highness." He says. " For dessert, could you bring me a large pot of melted chocolate and some strawberries please?" I say. He nods and rushes to the kitchen. " Let's eat." I say. We eat and talk about random things like what's happening in the kingdom, next sport game, classes and all that. Then my parents come in. Mom smiles. " Mal. Great to see you dear." She says. Mal gets up and curtseys. " Your majesties." She says with a smile. She sits back down finishes eating. " We'll be in the library." Mom says. I nod and finish my food. My servant comes out with the strawberries and chocolate. I see Mal beside me licking her lips. I chuckle and grab a strawberry off the plate and feed it to her. In front of me I hear a camera click. " Haha." Evie says taking a spoonful of chocolate. She smiles as she finishes it off. " yummy. So I guess it's true. Revenge is sweet." She says. She wipes her mouth off and grabs a strawberry. She feeds half of it to Doug and finishes the rest. Just like I did for Mal.

Jane's POV:

Carlos takes a spoonful of chocolate and offers it to me. I open my mouth and let him feed it to me. I giggle as he removes the spoon from my mouth. I blush and cover my mouth because I have a really weird giggle. " Hey don't do that. Your beautiful. And so is your giggle." He says kissing my cheek. I smile at my wonderful boyfriend. I would be utterly lost without him.

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