chapter 12

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Carlos ' POV:

Mal comes in with Ben trailing behind her. I look towards Bella, who is now bawling on Tanners shoulder. " Hey Bella." I say. " Yes Carlos?" She says in between tears. " What were you doing before our play date all those years ago?" I say. " Well, I was talking to my dad, and I told him that I was going out to play. Then he told me to do my chores first. Apparently I didn't do a good enough job, because he got mad and then snapped his fingers and then everything went dark." She says. I gasp. " I don't think you were in control of yourself. Your father made you ruin Evie's outfit." I say. " All I remember was crying. Evie's crying." She said. I get off of the bed that Jane and I were sitting on. " Guys!!" I shout getting everyone's attention. " We have to save Bella." I say. " How?" Mal asks. That's when I get an idea. " Pack your things. We're going to the Isle." I say. " Why?" Doug asks. " I know someone who can help us." I say. Me And Jay exit the dorm with Doug and  Ben trailing behind us. We split ways and pack what we need for the island. I hope this works.

Mal's POV:

The girls and I pack what we need for the island. I get a text from Carlos saying that we had to get there ourselves. I have just the spell. We meet the boys outside the school. Each one has a backpack with things they will need. " I've got a spell that can get us there." I say pulling out my spell book. We travel to the end of Auradon. I flip to my marked page and extend my hand. " Beware for swear, extend the bridge that once was there." I chant. Then golden magic flitters from my fingers, creating the bridge. " Go go. I can't hold this for long." I say as we run across the bridge. We get to the Isle just before I let it go. I begin to feel dizzy. I fall into the arms of Ben. Then everything goes black.

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