Chapter 15

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Doug's POV:

" Are you sure this will work?" Jay asks, as Mal clips the bracelet on Bella's wrist. " If all goes to plan, yes." Carlos says. Evie puts her hand on my shoulder. " So let me get this straight, your gonna fool an all seeing dream demon into thinking Bella is on his side once again." I say. " Yes Doug and This bracelet will protect her." Mal say holding up Bella's wrist. ( Bracelet in media.) " Ok let's go." Evie says. We walk out and hide and watch as Bella stands in the center of what looks like the square. " Daddy." Bella says. Laughing. Evil laughing. Bill cipher. " Bella. Have you finally come to your senses?" He asks. " Yes daddy. I got them to trust me." She says with a smirk. " Hahaha. Good work my child." He says. " thank you father." She says. " Now. I want you to bring them to me so we can destroy them." He says. " Yes father." She says. Bill cipher laughs and disappears. Bella turns and walks towards the voodoo shop. We follow her. Once we are safely in the shop, she hugs all of us. " Ok. Now what?" Bella asks. " Simple. Your gonna take us to you dad." Evie says. " Wait what?" Carlos says. " It's simple. When cipher thinks he has us, Bella will use the magic that I put in that bracelet combined with her own magic, to banish him to the underworld." Mal says. " Ok. Bella you need to put us in dream chains." I say. She nods and with a wave of her hand, we are tied in yellow chains. She closes her eyes and we are all teleported to a strange mansion. Bella levitates us and herself inside to what looks like a throne room. In the center of the room is cipher. " Good work Bella. Now stand behind me." Cipher says. Bella does as she is told. Ciphers hand is filled with a blue flame. Before he can do anything, a bright light erupts from behind him. " Bill cipher I banish thee, never to return to haunt a dream. Down to the underworld." Bella shouts. " Noooooo." Cipher shouts as he is dragged into a portal that leads to the underworld. The portal closes, and Bella falls to the ground.

Mal's POV:

We run to Bella who is soundly sleeping. " She did it. He's gone." I say, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. " Let's get back to Auradon." I say, as Tanner picks her up bridal style. We walk to the edge of the isle. I form the bridge once again, and we run across it. I release the magic and the bridge disappears. I don't faint or falter this time. I guess my energy levels have strengthened. I smile and let Ben take my hand. We walk to mine and Evie's dorm room and hang out for a bit. Soon, Bella wakes up. " Did we do it?" She asks. " Yes. You defeated your dad. Your free now." I say. She smiles and jumps into tanners arms. Eventually, everyone leaves and goes to their dorms. I lay on my pillows and drift off to sleep.

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