chapter 14

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Jane's POV:

" Are you sure you can trust her? What if she's working for bill?" I say, getting into a comfy position on the bed. " I'm positive. I knew Dannie way before I knew Mal, Jay, or Evie." Carlos says laying beside me. " Ok. I trust you. Goodnight Carlos." I say, snuggling into his chest. " Goodnight Jane." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist and closing his eyes. I soon drift off into a peaceful sleep, knowing that the guy I love and trust is beside me.

The next morning:

Audrey's POV:

I slowly open my eyes. I look beside me to see Jay soundly sleeping. I kiss his forehead causing him to slowly open his eyes. " Good morning." I say. " Good morning." He replies. The smell of bacon and eggs over welm my nose. " mmm. Someone's cooking." Jay says. We get out of bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen. " Morning. I made breakfast." Dannie says passing plates, piled high with eggs and bacon, to everyone. Since I hadn't eaten before we left Auradon, I devoured everything. " Wow. I never knew a princess could eat that fast." Mal says. " Shut up." I say, stuffing another spoonful of eggs in my mouth. " Enough playing around. We need a plan." Mal says. " I have a plan." Carlos says.

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