chapter 6

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Mal's POV:

The next day, as me and the others were walking to breakfast, fairy godmother stops us. Beside her is a girl I never wanted to see again. Yellow and black pigtails, eyes the color of gold, yellow sweater with a black bow on the collar, black leather pants, and combat boots. " Guys we have a new exchange student. This is..." She starts but Evie, Jay, Carlos, and I finish. " Bella Cipher." We say. Ben, Jane, Audrey, And Doug look at us in confusion. " She's the daughter of bill cipher the dream demon. We used to be best friends back on the island." I say crossing my arms. " That is until she became a backstabbing traitor." Evie says. She lunges for her, but Doug holds her back.  " Yeah. My father forced me to come here and to be quite honest, I don't wanna be here anymore than you idiots want me here." She says. I get in her face and glare at her. " Watch yourself. I will not hesitate to kick your little butt back to the island." I say. I calm down and regain my composure. " Uh. Ok I guess you guys have some history. So I'm going to continue giving Bella her tour. Carry on students." She says pulling Bella along. " I swear to all things good, if she tries anything, I will curse her." I say. " She's immortal Mal. You know she can't be cursed." Evie says. " doesn't mean I can't kick her scrawny little..." I started. As if Ben was reading my mind on what I was gonna say, he quickly covers my mouth. " Ok let's go eat." He says pulling me along. We get our food and sit at a nearby picnic table. Each couple sitting next to each other. Evie doesn't eat anything. " Excuse me." She says getting up and walking away. " Evie wait." Doug says. " Just give her a minuet." I say. " What did Bella do to her?" Ben asks. I look to Carlos and Jay. They give me a nod, telling me to continue. " Ok. Well, when we little, Bella was one of our best friends. We played together all the time. One day, Bella didn't show up for a play date that our parents set up for us. So we went on playing. Evie, that day, was wearing an outfit that she had made by herself for the first time. When Bella came over, she had some other Kids with her. She had told Evie that she loved the outfit. But then she picked up some mud and threw it at her. It got all over the top. Then she said to her friends to take care of the rest. They destroyed her outfit. Everyone laughed at her." I say holding back tears. Doug gets up and runs off to find Evie. Carlos and Jay look on the verge of tears themselves. Ben puts his arm around me. It comforts me greatly.

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