chapter 17

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Time skip:
Wedding day

Carlos' POV:

" Gosh. You look so pretty." I say, as Evie adds a few finishing touches on Mal's hair that is curled and half up half down. Her wedding gown was white silk with long flowing sleeves. She had a small diamond necklace on her neck. " Ok. Let's get her to the church." Evie says, handing her a bouquet of red roses. We leave the dorm and meet the others outside the church that held ben's coronation. Everyone gets into place. Mal hooks her arms with mine and Jay's and holds her bouquet in front of her chest. The bridesmaids and the best men are slowly walking down the aisle. A minuet later, the song that Mal, Jay and myself will be walking to comes on. We walk down the aisle. Everyone is looking at us, especially Mal. We get to the altar and hand Mal over to Ben. Mal hands her bouquet to Evie who has tears in her eyes. Fairy godmother smiles and steps before Mal and Ben.

Fairy godmother 's POV:

I smile at Ben and mal. I always knew that these 2 would be married sooner or later. " Today. We are here to witness the marriage of Mal and Ben, but also the coronation of Auradon's new queen. Ben, do you take Mal to be your wife, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" I say. " I do." Ben says. " Mal. Do you take Ben to be your husband, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health till death do you part?" I say. " I do." Mal says with a smile. " Now for rings." I say. Doug steps forward with the rings. He hands Mal's ring to Ben and ben's ring  to Mal. They place the rings on each other's finger and smiles. " Very well, you may now kiss the bride." I say. Ben doesn't hesitate to kiss his new wife and queen. Speaking of.. " Mal. It's time." I say as they break the kiss. Mal nods and faces me. I remove the crown from Belle's head and place it on Mal's head. I take my wand and look at Mal. " will you, Mal, rule Auradon with kindness and fairness." I say. " I will." Mal says. " Very well." I wave my wand on both sides of her head. " I now pronounce you, Queen of Auradon. All hail queen Mal." I say, as Mal faces the crowd.  " ALL HAIL QUEEN MAL." The crowd shouts. Mal blushes and curtseys. Belle walks up and hug the newly wed husband and wife. Adam gives a smile and slightly hugs the pair. Ben picks Mal up bridal style and carries her down the aisle. Everyone, including myself, follow them to the reception, that is being held in the courtyard of Auradon Prep. 

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