chapter 2

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The police took me to the front desk where i see my older brother nick. I run up to him engulfing him into a big hug.

"lily-may and nick" the doctor said.

We both nodded.

"I am going to tell you about your mother and brothers condition.

"Your mother and brother were in a terrible car crash. A drunk driver crashed into your mothers side of the car which from the impact caused your mother to lose control. This loss of control made your mother crash into a tree which mainly impacted on your brothers side. You may see your brother and mum but your brother is asleep with broken ribs and a major head injury which may cause some minor memory loss for a while. While your mother is in the ICU with a head injury and fractured wrist" the doctor said.

We walked into our brothers room and saw him lying on the bed. Wearing a hospital gown with cuts all across his face. He looked so peaceful with not a worry at all. He started to stir.

"wh-who are you" he asked.

"im lily-may and this is nick. We are your sister and brother" i told him.

"oh i cant remember you" he said.

"That's o-o-k" i tried to say although im almost about to cry.

"I was so worried. I thought i lost you. I love you so much" I said.

I love my brother so much I never thought I would ever see him like this. The next thing we knew his heartbeat monitor stopped. I panicking not knowing what to do. I screamed for a doctor.

A nurse tried to get me out of the room but I kicked and screamed. I wasn't leaving my brother.

"Lil come on" my brother nick said.


Nick then proceeded to pick me up ignoring all of my kicking and screaming and punching. He held me tight and let me scream and cry. I cried and cried for what felt like ages. I cried myself to sleep.

"Lily-may and nick. You are able to go and see your mother now" that is what I awoke to. I looked around my surrounding. A hospital I was confused until the events from yesterday flooded back. No no no no no this cant be true. I lost my little brother no.

I followed the doctor to see my mum who looked pale and in a bad condition.

"Hey mum I missed you so much. I'm so glad your ok" I said.

"H-hey sweetie. I'm fine. I love you so much"she said struggling with each word.

"I love you to mum I love you so much"

"Nick, I need you to promise something?" She asked my brother.

" yes anything mum I love you" he replied.

"Take care of lily-may. Don't let her go. Always look out for her. I love you both so much" mum said.

"I will mum I will"nick said.

That was the last time we talked to mum before she passed. Time flew by at the hospital waiting to talk to the doctor eventually he came and told us that mum had cancer and had no way of living.

That was the last straw. I couldn't hold in my tears. I started sobbing loudly. I lost my mother and brother. What else could possibly happen? What else could happen? Why?

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