Chapter 33

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I am lost and have no Idea where I am going. I don't even know why I decided to go on my own. Argh so annoyed.

I call rhyan to see if he can help me and come with me to the appointment

Ring ring ring

No answer.

I try again.

No answer

Omg I need him to help me.

I try for the last time.

"Hello this is Rhyans phone"

"Um hi can I speak to rhyan please?"

"He is actually out at the moment but I can take a message and pass it on"

"Um who is this speaking?"

"I'm savannah Rhyans girlfriend"

My heart sinks. He has a new girlfriend. This means he won't be able to be there for me as much.

"Oh um ok ill ring back later"

I keep walking still lost on where I am.

I'm almost late I have 5minutes to get there and now it's raining. Omg. What else could possibly go wrong?

I basically have nothing good in my life besides this baby.

Rhyan has a new girlfriend.

I'm pissed at the boys.

My brother is just annoying.

Harry doesn't even want to talk to me.

I'm going to be late to my appointment.

It is raining.

I'm lost.

I look up ahead and notice the medical centre sign.

I literally jump in joy. I'm sure people thought I was crazy.

*sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I typed two chapters up and well they got deleted so annoyed hope you enjoy it's isn't as good as my original chapter I had written




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