Chapter 8

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We walk up to the front door and knocked. The door opened to reveal nicks friends. I looked up and gasped when I saw who it was.

One direction were standing in front of me. How? What? I couldn't even process it.

I'm not a fan of one direction. I mean I like the music it's great but I honestly don't care the least about the band.

"Hi I'm liam, this is Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry. You must be lily-may" Liam says.

I nod. I don't really know what to say. I can't believe that nick has been hanging around them.

They all move aside and let nick and I go inside the massive house. They guide us to what seems to be the lounge room. We all sit on the couch and I decide to speak up.

"Nick how could you not tell me this is who you were ditching me for?" I half yell.

"I'm sorry lil" he replies.

"So lily-may how old are you?" Liam asks.

"I'll be turning 16 soon. How old are you all?" I ask.

They all have shocked faces on.

I look at them confused.

"How do you not know us?" Harry asks.

Wow he seems so up himself.

"I have heard of you but I'm not a fan. I mean your music is great I have a few favourites but I wouldn't obsess over you or go to a concert or signing so I'm sorry I don't know every single detail about you" I yell back.

The tension in the room is indescribable.

"Well Louis is 21. Niall, Zayn and I are 20 while Harry is 18" Liam says.

"How bout we get to know each other" Louis suggests.

We all nod.

"Ok well how bout we say these things.

Favourite colour

Favourite food



How friends would describe you

Something you hate


Once again we all nod. Louis starts first,then Zayn, Niall, Liam, Nick and Harry and finally it's me.

"My favourite colour is blue, I love gummy bears, I dance as my hobby, I have a fear of many things too many to name, my friends would describe me as a quiet person and crazy, I hate when people swear and I live with my brother"

They all stay silent then Harry speaks.

"You didn't tell us about your family" he says.

" I did I said I live with my brother didn't you listen"

"That's only part of your family".

Why does he have to be so nosey.

"Who cares if its only part of my family"

"We all told you about our family"

"Nick didn't how come your not yelling at him" I scream.

"Wow no need to be all moody"

"I'm not being moody. I just don't need to tell you all about my life"

"Jesus no wonder nick ditched you for a week"

"EXCUSE ME!!!" I yell.

"How dare you. How dare you. You know nothing about my life and what we are going through so why don't you butt out"

"Why don't you enlighten me and tell me"

"You want to know huh? Well my mother and little brother died in a car crash a couple of months ago. Happy?" I scream.

I get up and walk away I can't believe him.

*End of week*

This was the worst week. Me and Harry would constantly argue. Nick and all the boys kept going out drinking leaving me alone. I have started throwing up now in the mornings so glad that we are leaving to go home. I don't want them to find out I'm pregnant. God what would Harry say then. I couldn't bear it.

"Lily-may get up and down stairs now!" I hear Nick yell.

Argh great it's early in morning and he is already yelling at me.

I walk downstairs to see all the boys and my brother sitting on the couch.

"Lil. Me and the boys. Harry excluded have all agreed this fight between you and Harry is stupid. So we are not going home until you have sorted it out" Nick says.

"NO you can't do that" I yell.

"Well I can. I am our guardian"

"What so now you decide to play that card huh?"

He just nod.

"Look I understand how you feel" Liam says.

"No no no you dont because Harry is your best mate" I yell.

"Lily-may you apologise right now!" Nick says.

"No I don't need to" I say.

My brother continues to lecture me. I begin to feel sick. Oh no this is not happening right now. I begin to get up and walk away.

"GET BACK RIGHT NOW!" I hear Nick yell.

"I am about to throw up. So unless you want me to vomit on you I suggest you let me go to the bathroom" I say.

Nick doesn't say anything. He just nods.

"How does she get to leave" I hear Harry say as I leave.

When I finish up I begin to walk back to the lounge room. When I hear Harry still arguing.

"How does she get to walk away and you not say anything please tell me" he tells.

"Harry just drop it" nick says.

"She could be lying. How do you know she is telling the truth?" he says

"I know she is telling the truth"

"How please tell me?"

"No Harry just leave it"

"Harry" Liam says.

"No I want to know" he says.

I walk to the couch and everyone is silent.

"Soooo" I say.

"So why did you get to leave?" Harry asks.

" I thought you were told to drop it" I say.

"I want you to tell me why. Why were you throwing up. Cause last time I checked you didn't eat anything to make you throw up"

"Wow so now you know my diet huh?" I say.

"Not hard to remember the few foods you eat" he says.

"You really want to know?" I yell.

Nick looks at me with worry.

" yes" Harry says.

"I can't tell you" I say. I wanted to tell him but it isn't right.

I walk away and get ready for the day. When I got down stairs I see a note on the bench in the kitchen.


The boys and i have gone out of the house. We will be back late tonight. We needed to get Harry away from you.

Love nick xx'

Omg great another day alone.

(Sorry bout the skipping some months but trying to get to important parts and not have boring details)

Will update soon

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