Chapter 26

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Nick P.O.V


I couldn't stop thinking about what Harry said. All night I kept thinking

'I need to prove it' I wasn't sure how I was supposed to prove it. I really need lily to understand I'm sorry but how.

After hours of thinking I finally decide to consult the one person I really didn't want to.


Walking to Harry's room I stood outside the door. Waiting.

Finally I decided to knock.

I waited a couple of minutes until finally Harry opened the door.

Harry's P.O.V


I opened the door wondering who would be up so early.

I was surprised, what was nick doing?

"Um hey nick.... What are you doing here?"

"I um I-I need your help harry" he stumbles.

"What with?" I curiously asked.

Why would he need my help.

"I want you to help me prove to lily that I'm sorry and I want to help her" he says.

"Come in and sit down" I say. Pointing inside.

"Look I don't know how I'm supposed to help you. Lily doesn't like me most of the times. I'm the only one who she actually says what she wants to me. So not sure I'm the best person nick"

"You are trust me. She only has a select few where she says whatever to them. And you harry, you are one of them"

"Ok ok ill help you. I may know what to do"

Lily-may P.O.V


Waking up with a massive headache. I groan and roll over not wanting to get out of bed. Well that plan doesn't go very well as I'm soon running towards the toilet. Morning sickness should be over by now. Obviously not.

I want to know what I'm having. But I'm gonna have a surprise.

Omg I haven't even bought any baby things. No furniture or anything.

Omg I'm such a bad person. A bad mother. How am I supposed to take care of a baby? I'm not going to be able to.

I begin to throw things that are in the room. I throw the pillows, the lamp... Whoops I broke that. I threw the books at the wall I threw anything I could.

"I can't take care of a baby!!!" I screamed every time I threw an object.

Harry's P.O.V


While nick and I were having our convosation on how to prove to lily nick is sorry. We hear loud banging and thrashing in the room next to us.

Both of us rush out the door and are met by the rest of the boys with confused looks on their faces.

I open the door and we all gather round to see lil throwing things around.

"I will never be able to raise a baby

How can I take care of a child when I can't remember little things?

I'm so stupid for even considering this baby

I am going to be the worst mother" lily yelled as she threw things.

"LILY STOP!" I screamed.

She looked over obviously scared from my outburst.

Her face had tears streaming down and eye all red.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a more calm voice.

"I'm-I'm not sure...I just can't take care of this baby" she says. Slowly sitting on the bed.

"Yes you can. We are all hear to help. Nick is hear for you"

"No he isn't. He ran away at the first sign of stress. You boys are going to be travelling on tour and everything else so no you won't be there for one is going to be"

"Lily, I'm here for you" I say staring into her eyes.

She looks at me and then to the door which all the boys and nick are gathered.

"No your not Harry, just leave" she says looking away from me.

I grab her face in my hands making her look at me.

"Lily, I.....I I am here for you, I will never leave you, I like you" I say.

I stare at her waiting for her response.

But what she does surprises me and the boys who gasp.

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