Chapter 43

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Lily-may P.O.V


I follow rhyan upstairs hoping he doesn't get to Milly. But. I was wrong. I enter her room to see rhyan standing by the cot looking at my baby girl.

"We need to talk" rhyan says.

"No we don't. Get out" I say.

"Nope. I want to be apart of the babies life"

"No get out"

"Fine. But when she gets older and asks where her father is. You better tell her the truth"

"Oh I will. I will be telling her that you never wanted her"

With that rhyan leaves the house.

*16 years later*

Harry and I got married. We have now three kids.

Milly who is 16. She doesn't know who her real father is yet.

Jack 12 years old. He is extremely sporty.

Hailey who is 5 she is a dancer like me

I am now a dance teacher. Milly and hailey both attend classes.

Harry and the boys have now all settled down. Each have children.

I haven't spoke to rhyan since he walked out of the house which is a good thing.

Ding dong.

The doorbell rings.

"Milly can you please get that?" I ask from the kitchen.

"Sure mum" she yells back.

"Mum it's a man at the door. He wants to see you" she says.

I walk to the door to see rhyan.

"What are you doing here?" I ask harshly.

"I came to see me favourite daughter"

"What's he talking bout mum?" hailey asks.

"Go on tell her" rhyan says.

"Wait I will. You see when your mum was 16 she had you. Harry wasn't the father of you. I am"

"WHAT" hailey yells.


The end. Sorry. I had to end this. It wasn't the best story I could have done. Hopefully my next story will be MUCH better. Hopefully you enjoyed this story.


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