Chapter 40

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Lily-may P.O.V


I walked up to Rhyans door with all the boys behind me. They insisted on coming with me.

Knock knock.

No answer.

I wait a bit and the door opens to see rhyan and his girlfriend.

"Hi" I say.

"What do you want?" rhyan asks rudely.

"I...I wanted to talk. I only have 4 weeks left of the pregnancy"


"And I want to talk to you about it"

"Well I don't. I have a new girlfriend someone who wants to be with me. I don't want some girl who got pregnant to ruin that. So go away. I dont want anything to do with you or that thing" he yells. Pointing at my belly.

I stare at him shocked. Why. Why would he say that.

"Just remember when you change your mind you are NEVER welcome to see my baby. EVER. Good bye rhyan. I hope you have a great life"

I walk away from his house and into the car. I don't speak to any of the boys.

"Lil are you ok" Niall asks.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I don't need him. I got all of you" I say smiling.

"Yeah you do"

When we get home we all sit in the lounge room.

*skip to midnight*

I'm lying in my bed and suddenly I begin to get pains in my stomach.

I yell for the boys and they all come rushing in with Louis holding a wooden spoon. Niall holding a pillow. Liam holding a lamp. Nick holding a bat. Harry with a shoe. Zayn with a hairbrush.

The pains get worse.

"What are you supposed to do with a pillow and a wooden spoon" I yell.

They soon realise what is wrong.

"Omg the baby is coming" Niall yells.

"What do we do what do we do" nick repeats.

Liam sighs.

"Nick get the bags. Louis and Harry help up lily. Niall get the car ready. Zayn pack clothes for us. NOW GUYS" Liam says.

Lucky for him.

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