Chapter 39

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*2 months later*

Lily-may P.O.V


I'm 36 weeks pregnant.

A lot has happened this past two months.

After I got angry at the boys for being so nice they eventually told me their plan they can up with. I apologised for yelling at them and thanked them for their thought.

Me and Harry are so close now. I have been on numerous dates with him and everyone loves our relationship. I have gotten some hate but I just ignore it.

Rhyan hasn't spoken to me since the incident at his house.

I'm worried because I want him to be in the babies life.

The baby could be coming anytime soon. I'm so nervous.

I haven't found out what it is but I chose names. They boys all helped me as well. I really wanted rhyan to help but he wasn't answering my calls.

For a girl I chose first name Milly and middle name grace.

For a boy I chose first name Tate and middle name zack.

Only 4 weeks to go. I hope the baby comes soon.

The boys have been really supportive and have taken me to all my appointments and to see my mother.

Nick has already got permission to take off work when the baby is born so he will be able to help out.

I want to see rhyan. Which I planned to do tomorrow I hope this goes well.

one mistake changes everything (1D)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن