Chapter 27

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Lily P.O.V


I slap Harry across the face. How does he expect me to take that. He can't just say that. How dare he?

I stare at him in disbelief. The boys all gasp. I know slapping him probably wasn't the best choice.

"Lily....I'm sorry...I...ill just go"Harry says.

I watch him slowly leave the room obviously very embarrassed about what just happened. He probably isn't use to having girls reject him or slap him.

I stare at the boys. They don't get the hint that I want them out.

"LEAVE"I yell pointing to the door.

All the boys begin to leave. I turn around and sit on my bed. What am I supposed to do? I have now no one. I pushed everyone away.

I look up to see nick still in the door way. Of course he won't leave. I know him too well. I pushed him away as well. Why?

Nick walks over to me slowly and carefully like I'm a tiger about to ounce at any given moment.

"Are you alright lil nutshell" he asks.

I look at him in confusion with his new nick name.

"Yes I made a new nickname for you. It's lil nutshell. Your little,your crazy. Your a lil nutshell. Creative right?"

I begin to laugh quietly.

"I'm sorry nick. I didn't mean anything. I'm sorry. I keep pushing people away. I don't even know why I slapped Harry" I confess.

"Lily... It's alright. But answer this.... Do you like Harry back? And if you do why did you slap him? Are you scared of him leaving you?"

"I like Harry. I really do. But. But when he said he liked me back I felt like he was just saying it cause I had no one and was lonely and not because he truly liked me. I mean why would he like a 15year old screw up who is pregnant?" I say.

"He likes you. Trust me he likes you a lot. All the boys know he does. But do you believe him?"

Nick says but then exits the room leaving me alone to think.

Think about my baby

Think about my life

Think about my career

Think about my family

Think about....


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