Chapter 5

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Tears started flowing down my face.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to maybe get pregnant. I'm sorry"

Nick just looked at me with sadness.

"I'm sorry for overreacting. I just can't believe you would even consider having sex at this age. I thought you were better than this"

"I know I shouldn't have but I just got caught up in the moment and he was there"

"Are you pregnant for sure?"

I looked at the ground not sure what to say.

"She doesn't know for sure but we were wondering if you could go buy a pregnancy test to make sure" maddi said.

I smiled at her she always knew exactly what to say.

"Ok ill be back soon with the test"

I ran up to nick and gave him a massive hug.

*Nick back with the pregnancy test*

*lily-may does the test and now waiting for the result*

"Omg this is the longest 30 minutes ever" I say.

"What are you doing if its positive?" Maddi asks.

"I'm keeping the baby I'm not giving it up. I'm keeping it. I don't care if rhyan isn't going to help" I yell.

"Woah chill it was just a question"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to"

"Times up. Time to find out" nick says.

I walk to the bathroom and pick up the test.

I looked at it and saw the result.

I walked back to the others that were in the lounge room.

"Guys I'm......"

*will try to update soon*

one mistake changes everything (1D)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora