Chapter 1 - Big News

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"Jen!! Where the fuck is she?" I heard Jill scream. "Over here love." I screamed back. Jill was running down the hall with Adriana right next to her. "Guess what?" they both screamed. I just looked at them with a dumb look on my face "What?" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "You tell her." Age said "No YOU!" Jill argued. They kept bickering until I finally broke it up. "NOW ONE OF YOU TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON BEFORE YOU TWO KILL EACH OTHER!" I yelled. They both looked at each other then said "We won tickets to see One Direction!!" I screamed, and then we all started fangirling and screaming together. "No fucking way! How did you manage to get them?" I asked. "Like we said we won them." Jill explained. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering if they would explain more but I knew they wouldn't so I just shrugged it off.

We were all doing a little happy dance until we realized that we had to get to class. Jill, Age, and I were all in the same uni and that's how we met. Luckily we were in almost all the same classes but we all wanted to major in something different. Jill with dance, Age and fashion, and me with music. Jill has been dancing since she was a little girl; she is very talented in what she does. Age was always a fashionista. She always wore such pretty outfits that complemented her body perfectly. I always loved music since I was a little kid, I would always be singing and listening to music. I fell in love with the violin in third grade and I have been playing ever since. I have been told I was a good singer but I never believed it. I mean after someone sings you are suppose to complement them, right?

We were all different in our own little way. Jill was kind of like a girly girl but not really. She wasn't a prissy bitch who complained all the time, she liked to look her best and always really pretty but sometimes she just loved to bum it. Jill has brown wavy hair with red dyed underneath. Her hair looked perfect straight, curly, or even just natural. She has brown eyes that are just perfect for her but of course she hated them. Jill was short and thin but she also had some curves. Age was fearless. She always spoke her mind and that's what I admired about her. Age has brown kind of wavy hair with her tips dyed red. She also has brown eyes just like Jill. Age is tall and has a curvy body. I am a little shy but once you get to know me and earn my trust I'm the life of the party. I have brown hair with blonde highlights. I also have blue eyes, apparently they are gorgeous but to me they are just normal. I am super skinny and kind of tall. I guess you can say I kind of stand out between Age and Jill but our differences bring us together.


We were at our flat drooling over the tickets. "I can't believe we will be sitting front row dead smack in the middle at the concert!" Age practically screamed of joy. "I know I can't believe this is happening! We'll be seeing them in four days!" I screamed back with pure happiness. "What are we going to wear?" Jill asked. We all gasped, we had to wear something nice because we would be right in front of the boys. "You two go to the mall and find something for me ok?" I told them. "You don't want to come?" Age asked with a slight pout on her face. "No I have to get some rest and study." I explained. They both nodded their heads. "Ok we'll be back later alright? Love you!" Jill screamed. "Love you too and hey maybe get me some Starbucks ok?" I screamed back. "Maybe or maybe not." Jill said with an evil grin and started laughing until I finally heard the door slam shut.

I went into the kitchen to grab food because I was starving as usual. I loved living here in London. Before I lived in America, but I wanted to explore the world and start an adventure so I went to school here in London. I met Jill and Age here and we instantly became best friends. Jill and Age already lived together and they basically begged me to move in with them. I love both of their accents they're just so British I just love it! My accent is just plain American, but it's always fun when Jill and Age try to impersonate my accent.

I slowly walked upstairs into my room where I was greeted by my posters of One Direction. "Only four days and I get to see you." I whispered to my self. I walked to my bed and got under the duvet and slowly the colorful world started to fade away into a black nothingness.


"JENNIFER ELIZABETH IF YOU WANT YOUR FILTHY COFFEE YOU WILL GET YOUR LAZY ARSE DOWN HERE!" Jill screamed. I woke up and shook my head to make sure I was awake. "I'LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE CALM YOUR TITS JILL!" I screamed back. I walked over to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water. That woke me up so I slowly walked down stairs and was shocked with what I found. "Did you guys buy the whole bloody mall." I asked. "No if we bought the whole mall we would be there not here." Age responded in a duh kind of tone. I stuck my tongue out at her and screamed "JILL WHERE IS MY DAMN COFFEE?" "In the kitchen, and stop yelling you're too loud." She said with a smirk. I picked up my coffee and stuck my tongue out at her too. Man wasn't I feeling childish right now. I walked back into the living room where Age was surrounded by a sea of shopping bags all across the floor.

Age picked up three pieces of clothing. The first outfit was a nice floral skirt with plain tank and a jean jacket to top it off. I knew that had to be Age's outfit for the concert because it screamed fashionista all over it. The second outfit was simple yet pretty. It consisted of a pair of dark denim washed jean shorts with a galaxy shirt. I thought that was Jill's because the next outfit screamed me. The third and final outfit was a pair of white skinny jeans with rips down both legs with a red crop top and a black leather jacket. "Oh my god I love that outfit!" I barely choked out because I was in awe with this outfit. I was speechless they all looked so good. "We are going to look fabulous!" Jill explained and I couldn't agree with her more. I was so happy I ran up to both of them and gave them a big bear hug. I couldn't process that we were going to see One Direction in concert, that's crazy!


Well that's the first chapter and I hope you liked it. I'll try to post whenever I can. I'm not going to ask for 100 votes for the next chapter because I honestly find that stupid. I'm writing this because I want to see how it turns out and how other people like it, if I get votes it is because you guys liked it and I didn't demand votes for you to see the next chapter.

I hope you guys enjoy this book/story (I don't know whether to call it a book or story yet . . .) well I promise next chapter is going to be good but it might also be short, I don't know. I hope this wasn't too short.

Well that's it I guess sorry for the authors note, I know how they can get annoying and how some people will just skip right over it but oh well and if u read this all go you, I like you :) I hope you keep reading lots of love


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