Chapter 19 - Hope Is A Funny Thing

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Jen's POV ~

We all went to dinner at this tiny little diner. Not many people were there so we didn't have to worry about the fans.

"Hi my name is David and I'll be your waiter for the evening. What would you like to start off with? Drinks?" David our waiter asks. We all gave in our orders and Jill gave hers in last. "I'll be right back with your drinks." he says and winks at Jill. Jill blushes and looks down while Harry gives David a death glare.

I have to say David was pretty cute. Black short hair that covers his forehead a bit, you could say he had some fringe. A really nice smile and these amazing bright blue eyes.

Those blue eyes rarely left Jill the whole night. I found it adorable but Harry didn't. You could practically feel the jealousy radiating off him. He was stabbing his food every time David looked at Jill or he would curl his fingers into a fist so tight his knuckles turned white.

While David was asking us for our desert orders he kept staring at Jill and forgot about Harry. "If you could take your eyes off of her for just a second so that I can order my fucking cake I would gladly appreciate it." Harry says.

David blushes while apologizes and takes his order. Right when he leaves Jill says "God I can't believe you! Stop acting like a child getting all pissed off watching someone else trying to get something you can't have! I'm not yours so don't act all jealous over the fact a guy is looking at me!" Harry looks so hurt but then that turns to anger. "Maybe I'm still trying to get over you and you flirting with this fucking douche isn't helping! Sorry that he also sees how amazing you are and wants to have you like I still do!" Jill is shocked by his response but knowing Jill she has to have the last word. "Maybe you should have thought about that when you were FUCKING THAT OTHER GIRL! God I thought I could get through one dinner but no apparently I can't. Thanks a lot Harry you're exactly who I thought you would be." Jill then gets up and storms out the door.

Right after she leaves it gets very quiet real fast. "I can't believe you Harry. You don't think this is hard on her too! Ho-" "Hard on her don't you think it's hard on m-" "I wasn't done Harry. How can you just think that you overrule any other guy! That no one else can have her! Well my friend wake up and smell the fucking roses and see that any guy will see how amazing Jill is. You had her and then you lost her. Give her up." I tell him this and then leave to go find Jill.

I walk out the doors and see her with David. I turn back around the corner but stick my head out to peek and see what they are saying.

"I can't believe I dated that ass hole." Jill says. "I'm sorry that he hurt you. A beautiful girl like you doesn't deserve that type of pain." David tells her. Oh no he's sweet talking her. I mean yeah he's cute an all but I can tell by the look in his eyes he just wants to get down her pants. God she always attracts the wrong guys. "-come home with me so you can just relax and get away from him for a bit." David asks her. Go home with him? STRANGER FUCKING DANGER!!! WEEE WOO WEEE WOO!!! HELLO SOMEONE PLEASE CALL THE COPS WE HAVE A FUCKING PERVERT ON THE LOOSE!! Jill is smarter than to go with him right? "Yeah that's a good idea." Jill says then gets up and follows him to his car. I THOUGHT SHE WAS SMARTER THAN THIS!!! OH SHIT OH SHIT! WHAT DO I DO! HE IS DRIVING AWAY WITH HER! ISN'T THAT KID NAPPING? NO SHE WANTED TO GO WITH HIM! UNLESS HE DRUGGED HER!! OH MY GOD I GOTTA TELL SOMEONE BEFORE I FORGET THIS.

Hey so I may have forgotten about this story, mostly because Ik that almost no one read it. Um idk if I'm going to continue it or not. When I started this it was for my two friends that I honestly don't really talk to anymore so I guess u can say I lost inspiration for this story. But idk maybe if I get a comment hell it can be just one I might continue it. I feel like I could do something good with it, I don't know. Well this was a longer authors note than I expected. Love you guys

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