Chapter 7 - Jenn

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Jen's POV ~

Louis drove me back to the flat and I got changed into something cute. I had no idea where we were going today, but as long as I'm with Louis I feel safe.

I walk downstairs and I feel Louis's eyes trailing up and down my body. I smirk and then trip over my own two feet. I was waiting for the impact of the floor but it never came. I looked up and I see a chuckling Louis.

I punch his arm playfully and get up. "You are so clumsy." he teased while poking my nose. I smirk but suddenly notice Louis's lips on mine. I kiss him back and I feel his tongue licking my bottom lip begging for entrance. I granted him in and we kissed and I loved every minute of it. Sadly the kiss ended because we both needed oxygen.

"Come on let's go." he whispered in my ear which sent chills down my spine. "Where are we going?" I asked. He looked down and smiled at me "It's a surprise." he winked and then led me to his car.

We finally drove up to the surprise place and I was speechless. It was the amusement park, I mean come on this is the most perfect date. I love the amusement park! Who doesn't?

We started to walk up to the ticket booth which is when I notice no one is there except us and the workers.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked him. "Today is just going to be about us and only us." he told me. I couldn't help but smile. That's what he always did to me, he always made me smile which made him smile. "I hope you know, you're smile is totally contagious." after he said that I couldn't stop my self from blushing.

We began to walk around the park until I saw the roller coaster. I nearly screamed I love roller coasters! "Come on!" I screamed and tugged his wrist to the roller coaster. I practically pulled him to the roller coaster and we sat in the front.

We buckled up and he grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. I looked at him and smiled but I heard the clinking of the roller coaster meaning we were ready to go. I looked forward but Louis grabbed my chin with his free hand and made me look at him. I stared into those beautiful green blue eyes of his. They were just so charming just like the rest of him. He pulled me in close and kissed me. Before we could deepen the kiss we went down the big hill of roller tracks. We were both screaming like maniacs. Well Louis was screaming more than me. He squeezed my hand when ever we dropped a little and I loved how scared he was. Eventually the ride was over and I could see relief on his face after getting off.

We walked until I spotted it. A big fluffy panda bear that was basically screaming my name. I ran to it like a little girl and drooled over it. "Louis!!! Can you please win me this?!" I begged him until I saw him smile and shake his head yes. I squealed and jumped up and down. Louis popped the balloons with his darts and he won me the panda bear. "Here you go baby." and he handed me the giant stuffed panda. I placed the panda on the bench and ran to Louis. I jumped into his arms and kissed him. I started to play with his hair as I always did while he rubbed his hand up and down my thigh. I smiled and looked at him. He was perfect in every way and I loved that about him. I started kissing up and down his neck till I reached his ear. "Thank you for the panda bear, I swear I'll treat Peter right." I whispered. He smiled and eventually put me down.

We rode the bumper cars and rode the swings and rode the spinning tea cups which Louis almost got sick on. We watched the sun set together and this day couldn't have been better.

I thought we were leaving but Louis dragged me to one last ride the Ferris wheel. We got on and we slowly reached the top and the ride stopped. "The view is so beautiful from up here." right after I said that fireworks went off and lit up the night sky.

I looked at Louis and he was admiring the fireworks like a little kid. I guess he felt me starring because he turned and grinned at me. "Like what you see?" he asked me and I blushed. "Of course I do." I smiled. We both turned to each other and slowly got closer to each other.

I crashed my lips onto his because I couldn't wait any longer. The kiss was filled with such passion and lust. I really liked Louis and I wanted him to know. I spilled all of my emotions into that kiss. I was the one begging for entrance in his mouth instead of the other way around. Our tongues danced with each other in perfect harmony. Our lips moved in sync like they always did when we kissed. I realized how much I like Louis and how I need him with me. Our lips only came apart when we needed air but they always came crashing back together like two magnets. His lips were so soft yet rough on mine. Louis pulled away and broke the kiss. He was panting really heavy and it looked like he was trying to say something.

"Jen, you make me the most happiest guy in the world and I love being around you. I know we only met yesterday but I feel like I have known you for what seems like forever. I only want to be with you and only you, so would you do me the pleasure of being my girlfriend?" after he said that my heart literally leaped out of my chest. I was speechless I couldn't say anything. But I knew I had to answer him so I kissed him again. I tried to put how I feel about him in that kiss and I hope he understood. I broke the kiss and looked at his face trying to read a reaction. He smiled and said "I take that as a yes!" and pecked my lips.

The Ferris wheel started to move again and we sadly had to get off. We said goodbye to all of the employees and thanked them for the amazing day.

I was now Louis Tomlinson's girlfriend and I couldn't have been happier.


Well I hope you enjoyed!!!! I'm sorry if that was really short, I had a little bit of writers block but, oh well! Hope you are enjoying this book! Lots of love!


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